

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Well, if we can believe the results from a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, we’ve now gotten to the point where a majority of Americans seem to have lost faith in Barry’s ability to lead the country. But I’m just not sure how much faith I’m willing to put in the findings of this particular poll. Because while at the same time we’re being told Americans have lost faith in Barry, we’re also being told that many Americans do have faith in, of all people, Hitlery Clinton.

Anyway, it was in this most recent poll of the 1,000 adults that were surveyed between June 11 and June 15 that 63 percent of those supposed adults admitted that they believe the country is now headed in the wrong direction. And it was 53 percent of them who also disapproved of the way that Barry is doing his job. And it’s Barry’s handling of foreign policy and the economy that bode most poorly for him, with respective 57 percent and 54 percent disapproval ratings.

And apparently it’s been just over the past year that, according to 41 percent of those surveyed, Barry & Co.’s performance has seem to have gotten considerably worse. The top three reasons given were dislike of Obamacare, Barry’s rather bizarre approach to foreign policy as well as his very questionable decision to swap Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, alleged deserter and supposed traitor, for five of the absolute worst Muslim terrorists we were holding at Gitmo.

According to Bill McInturff, "This is a bad poll for President Obama, and not a good poll for anybody else." McInturff, a Republican, conducted the survey with Democrats Peter Hart and Fred Yang. Hart said, "Whether it’s Putin, Ukraine, the VA hospitals, Bowe Bergdahl, the events have controlled Obama, rather than Obama having controlled the events." He added, "[Obama] may be winning the issues debate, but he’s losing the political debate, because they don’t see him as a leader."

While 48 percent of people said they were more enthusiastic about voting than in previous elections, respondents were split about who they want to control Congress. Forty-five percent prefer that Democrats be in charge, compared with 43 percent desiring the GOP to be in control. Most likely that 45 percent consists of that growing number of folks who are now comfortably dependent upon the government and want to make sure the gravy train remains on the tracks.

And oddly enough, 67 percent of those polled actually said that they support Barry’s recent, and idiotic, directive to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to restrict carbon emissions from existing coal-fired power plants, while 57 percent are in favor of requiring companies to reduce greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Thirty-nine percent disapprove of a proposal to require companies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Frankly I was a bit surprised by the level of gullibility exhibited by those who admit to having an increased sense of urgency regarding ‘climate change’. Because according to the survey, a combined 61 percent believe the issue requires "immediate" or "some" action. But I’d be curious to know if they will feel the same once they see their utilities bills skyrocketing at the same time they’ll also be paying considerably more at the grocery store as well as at the gas pump.

But like I said, I firmly believe that a significant percentage of those who are now claiming that they have lost faith in Barry, would have absolutely no problem, whatsoever, in voting for Hitlery Clinton. And she’s just as bad, if not worse, than Barry. Both are devout socialists, both are in favor of wealth redistribution, except theirs, both are clueless in the area of foreign policy, and both are disciples of Saul Alinsky. Frankly, I just don’t see an upside for voting for Hitlery.

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