

Monday, September 30, 2013


Introducing yet another brilliant congressional Democrat who seems to be far more interested in moving the political agenda of her party forward than she is with the genuine needs of the black community. Our esteemed Rep. Gwen Moore makes that crystal clear when she makes the idiotic claim that the Republicans want to shut down the government as a way "to punish the people for electing Barack Obama President of the United States." Obviously she’s unable to think for herself, if the best this moron can do is to spew her party’s talking points. If she were really concerned about those folks in the black community, she’d put their needs above her party’s twisted desires. But that ain’t gonna happen!

Anyway, this imbecile, Moore, made her idiotic comments from the House floor on Saturday, as lawmakers debated the language of a new continuing resolution (CR) to fund the government. "This whole debate is a subterfuge and a proxy for a strong desire to bring this nation to its knees to punish the people for electing Barack Obama President of the United States, " Moore said. Frankly I’m surprised she was able to use the word ‘subterfuge’ in a sentence. She then went on to say, "This debate is not about medical devices, about birth control, about Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act. It is about continuing to have our government operate for another few days."

So it was then that over the weekend, the House passed a short-term CR House that delays Obamacare and permanently repeals a tax on medical devices. The Senate, led by the very sleazy ‘Dingy Harry’ Reid, will most certainly reject the measure on Monday, which I’m sure will please Ms. Moore, as well as her fellow members of the Congressional Black Caucus, no end. But who is it that is liable to be made to suffer the most under this abomination of Obamacare? But that must matter very little to Ms. Moore, what’s remains the top priority is the fact that the government be able to maintain control of what healthcare remains available to the American people. Nothing else is anywhere near as important.

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