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In 2008, the year our "Dear Beloved Leader" was first elected, real median household income stood at $53,644. And just four short years later, after being made to endure the last full year of Barry’s first term, median household income had dropped to $51,017. So, in an effort to make it simple enough for the average Barry voter to understand, real median household income dropped $2,627, or 4.89 percent, from 2008 to 2012. In fact, real median household took a serious hit in every year of Barry's first term. In 2008, when he was elected, it was $53,644. In 2009 it dropped to 53,285, in 2010 it dropped to $51,892, in 2011 it dropped to $51,100, and, in 2012 it dropped to $51,017. Quite the record of accomplishment for Barry.
At the same time, this was going on, the number of people living in poverty in the United States increased rather dramatically. In 2008 there were approximately 39,829,000 people living in poverty in this country. And again after four years of Barry', in 2012 there were 46,496,000. For all you Barry voters, that's an increase of approximately 6,667,000, or 16.73 percent, just from 2008 to 2012. The number of people in poverty increased during three of the four years of Barry's first term. In 2008, there were 39,829,000 people in poverty, in 2009, it climbed to 43,569, 000, in 2010, it climbed further to 46,343,000. Then in 2011, it dipped to 46,247,000, and in 2012, it climbed to an all-time high 46,496,000.
Another rather depressing indicator that makes apparent the level of progress that Barry has thus far achieved in accomplishing primary his goal of "fundamentally transforming" our nation is the fact that we now have a record 23,116,928 American households who are now enrolled in the federal government’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, aka food stamps, during the month of June. That information comes to us by way of some recently released data by the Department of Agriculture. And what kind of puts that into perspective is the fact that that number is greater than the 20,618,000 households that the Census Bureau estimated were in the entire Northeastern United States as of the second quarter of 2013.
Now according to the Census Bureau, the Northeast region of this country includes Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Thus, in June, the number of households receiving food stamps exceeded the total combined households in all of these states, combined. The 23,116,928 million households on food stamps in June also outnumbered the 15,030,000 home-owning households in the entire Western United States in the second quarter of the year and the 18,018,000 home-owning households in the entire Midwest. So here we are, living in what was once referred to as being the most prosperous nation on Earth and this is what we've become?
The record 23,116,928 households on food stamps in June also equaled 20.16 percent, or more than one-fifth, of all 114,663,000 households nationwide in the United States as of June, according to the Census Bureau. The 23,116,928 household on food stamps in June was an increase of 45,908 from the 23,071,020 household on food stamps in May. In fiscal 2009, the year Barry "Almighty" was inaugurated, there was a monthly average of 15,161,469 American households on food stamps. The 23,116,928 households on food stamps in June exceeded that 2009 monthly average by 7,955,459 households, or 52 percent. So, in June, there were 52 percent more households on Food Stamps than in the year Barry took office.
Under the stewardship of Barry "Almighty", America has become a mere shadow of it's former self. And we the American people have allowed it to happen. There should be rioting in the streets, endless calls for impeachment and unending calls to our members of Congress. The point must be made that, "We're mad as Hell, and we're not going to take it anymore!" Because if we do not rise up against that which is being perpetrated against us, then the perception will be that this is the kind of government that we actually want, in which case, things will only continue to be made worse. We must, before it's too late, take the opportunity to draw our own "red line", and we must vigorously make the point that we will tolerate no more of this behavior.
Obviously, the responsibility to rescue our country has now fallen to us, "We the People". The majority of our politicians can, quite frankly, no longer be trusted to do that which they were 'hired' to do. So like it or not, we're now going to be required to get our hands a little dirty. More than a few of us will have some pretty tough decisions to make, especially those of us to have grown somewhat soft, becoming quite comfortable living off the fruit of someone else's labor. But we must all refocus, so to speak, on what is the bigger picture here. If this great ship of America is made to sink, then we will all go down with it. And if that doesn't bother you, then simply stay at home and do nothing more than to wait for the end. Because the end is coming.
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