

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I'm hoping that someone might be able to enlighten me on something, because I'm a little confused. You see, I'm a little curious about what is it about blacks being able to get a decent education, that blacks in Congress continue to remain so opposed to. But I suppose the bigger question would be, why is it that those blacks who wish for nothing more than for their kids to get a decent education, continue to vote for those in Congress who seem to be so determined to prevent that very thing from taking place? Is race that important to these people? Is voting for someone because of their race more important than being able to do all that you can to ensure that your child goes out into the world armed with the best education possible?

What brings me to even ask these questions is the fact that once again we have that perennial moron from the state of Georgia, Hank Johnson, Democrat, who recently made the rather idiotic claim that our public schools are actually "being dismantled" by charter schools. Now, of course, those would be the very same charter schools that have come to be taken advantage of by many black parents as they view it as being an avenue outside of our disastrous public school system of making sure that their children are provided with an actual education. Johnson made his silly comments August 23 while attending the "Voting Rights Act" event hosted by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

It was while discussing the Civil Rights Act that Johnson said, "We got public education being dismantled. They used to talk about school vouchers but they’ve redone it and now it’s called the charter school movement, and a lot of us have fallen for that." And he went on to say, "The March On Washington back in ‘63 was largely about the discrimination that African-Americans experienced." Adding, "The stated demands of the March were first the passage of meaningful civil rights legislation, the elimination of racial segregation in public schools, protection for demonstrators against police brutality." I rarely understand any point that Johnson tries to make during his many random excertions to nowhere, and this occasion is no different.

And as is usually the case with this boob, Johnson, there's always an attempt to portray things not as they are, but how blacks in Congress would apparently like them to be. So I wasn't surprised to hear Johnson ask, "What do we have looking back now at the civil rights legislation?" And in answering his own stupid question, Hank said, "We have a situation where voting rights - civil rights, the most fundamental civil right - is under attack by an out-of-control, judicial activist Supreme Court." Which I thought was quite a reach even for him to make. But, as he has made pretty obvious on more than one occasion, this guy most certainly is far from being the sharpest knife in the drawer.

But old Hank was far from being finished as he then droned on saying, "We’ve got public education being dismantled. They used to talk about school vouchers but they’ve redone it and now it’s called the charter school movement, and a lot of us have fallen for that." The fact that Democrats lie old Hank here still I guess I still so riles up the Democrats makes the point better than I ever could that they stand firmly against educating our young, regardless of color, and very much in favor of using our public schools as little more than indoctrination centers. And what makes black members of Congress into even bigger hypocrites than their white counterparts, is that many in the black community actually favor vouchers.

Johnson is rather famous, or infamous, for never making absolutely any sense. I guess he doesn't recall that it was just this past May that we saw Barry "Almighty" issue a proclamation recognizing National Charter School Week. That proclamation said, "We need to equip all our students with the education and skills that put them on the path to good jobs and a bright future -- no matter where they live or what school they attend. Charter schools play an important role in meeting that obligation." Despite that, Johnson claims, "Many charter schools choose to locate in communities with few high-quality educational options, making them an important partner in widening the circle of opportunity for students who need it most."

So there you have it. The rather bizarre rationale for why charter schools are bad. It's a civil rights thing. At least according to this moron, Hank Johnson. Personally, I'm just not making the connection here, but then I'm not black, nor am I in Congress. But I think that I possess at least the average amount of commonsense, which, apparently, would preclude me from being a member of either of these two groups. Blacks are going to have to come to some sort of decision here, regarding what it is that's most important. Is it to have as many options as possible when trying to make sure your kids get educated, or is it to vote for blacks like Johnson, no matter how horrendous the outcome is likely to be for those same kids?

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