

Monday, September 9, 2013


Ya, know, I’ve always thought of John Boehner as being much less of a leader than he is a used car salesman. He strikes me as being one those people who rather like to refer to themselves in public as being conservative, but once safely behind closed doors, make it very plainly known that they are really no such thing. But still, I've never really thought of him as being someone who would go so far as to actively coach someone on the other side, especially someone like Barry, on how best to circumvent our Constitution. And in now having apparently done just that, Boehner has now proceeded to take things to a whole new level.

Now I will admit that I have, on occasion, been guilty of giving Boehner the benefit of the doubt. But not anymore! Especially since he has now made it abundantly clear that he has absolutely no interest in doing what we all know needs to be done in order to prevent this president from further shredding our Constitution. And that Boehner can now so casually assist him in that endeavor, to me that's just the straw that broke the camel's back. After losing count of the number of times he has left me feeling as if stabbed in the back, my time of cutting him any amount of slack has officially come to an end. The time has now come for him to go!

And what it is that has got me so pissed? Well it's the fact that, at least according to National Review, Boehner’s staff has taken upon themselves the task of advising the White House on what Barry needs to say in order to win enough Republican votes for him to gain congressional approval for taking military action in Syria. Boehner said last week that he now supports Barry’s call for action, making him one of a relatively few Republicans to say so, at least, publicly. With Barry set to address the nation Tuesday, the speaker’s staff is advising White House chief of staff Denis McDonough on what he needs to say to win GOP support.

So while I really don’t plan on listening to what Barry might have to say on Tuesday, those who do listen might want to take what they hear with not much more than a grain of salt. Because I think it very safe to say that a majority of what you're likely to be hearing, may be nothing more than what he's been told, by Boehner, that he must say if he is to have any hope of enticing enough Republican members of Congress to once again ignore the voices of we the people who stand against taking action. And as it stands right now, it's well over half of the American people who now oppose that which Barry wants to do.

It's been more than just a little difficult in trying to keep up with all of the supposed reasons that have been thrown around in trying to come up with one that most would see as being sufficient justification for that which Barry seems so determined to carry out. And apparently, just today, there was another red line that was issued before being quickly dismissed as being nothing more than crazy rhetoric. We've been told that if we do not act, it will severely damage the credibility of our nation. But I would argue that if we were able to survive Carter and Clinton with our credibility intact, we can survive Barry. It's Barry's credibility that stands to sustain the most damage.

So, I guess the question that remains to be answered is the one that asks do we attack just because Barry stepped in it? And will those whom we've elected to Congress, side with the people, or will they choose to simply ignore us? Will enough on our side allow themselves to be swayed by Barry's, Boehner inspired, words? Or will they stand with we the people? Well if recent history provides us with any sort of an indication, the likely answer to that question may be fairly obvious! And the fact that Boehner has been busy assisting Barry on how best to, once again, pull the wool over our eyes, makes me even less confident that the will of the people will prevail.

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