

Sunday, September 29, 2013


‘Slick Willie’ Clinton, who you’ll all remember was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives for, among other things, lying under oath and obstruction of justice, and who was also held in contempt of court by U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright for giving "intentionally false" testimony, made quite the claim this past weekend. You see, during an interview that he gave to his former staffer George ‘Stephy’ Stephanopoulos on ABC News’s "This Week With George Stephanopoulos" on Sunday, old ‘Slick’ actually accused Sen. Ted Cruz of making multiple false statements during his filibuster on the Senate floor last week. Funny right, here we had one pathetic lying sack of shit claiming to another pathetic lying sack of shit, that it’s Sen. Cruz who’s really the liar? Ya, right!

Anyway, the old ‘Slickmeister’ told Stephy, "I listened to some of Sen. Cruz’s filibuster on the health-care bill and he just kept making all these claims that just aren’t so and everybody knows they’re not." Now I too listened to a goodly share, but not all of Cruz’s filibuster, and I don’t recall hearing him say anything that wasn’t true. And of course, as is usually the case with Democrats, "BJ" didn’t bother to cite any specifics of what Cruz lied about, nor did Stephy bother to ask old "BJ" to provide any examples or to in any way justify his assertion that Cruz had made such false statements. So I guess we’re just expected to simply accept "BJ’s" claims at face value. Sorry, I stopped believing Democrats a longtime ago, and the way this thing was shoved through Congress, "BJ" has got no room to be calling Cruz a liar.

The sad truth is that this whole charade was nothing more than a way for "BJ" to offer up encouragement to Barry and Senate Democrats to not give in to congressional Republicans on the question of delaying Obamacare. Slickster said, "This is the House Republicans and the Tea Party people saying we don’t want to negotiate with the Democrats." He went on to say, "We want to dictate over the Senate, over the House Democrats, over the Speaker of the House of our own party and over the president. We insist on dictating the course of the country." You see, this is how Democrats like "BJ" accuse the Republicans of doing what Democrats have been doing for decades. Democrats always make it sound as if it is they who are always the ones to compromise and to bend over backwards to satisfy the Republicans unreasonable demands.

Stephy then asked: "So you’re saying you just have to stand up to that no matter what the consequences?" "BJ" said "I do. I do." Adding that, "It’s terrible because all over the world people see like, you know---I listened to some of Sen. Cruz’s filibuster on the health-care bill and he just kept making all these claims that just aren’t so and everybody knows they’re not." But still he could never bring himself to name even one example! And "BJ" knew that he could get away with telling his lies about Cruz because there was no way that Stephy was going to be asking him to provide any sort of proof. Such is what our state-controlled media has now become, which is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat Party. The role of the media today is to furnish a stage to Democrats to spew their propaganda with no questions asked.

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