

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Well what do you know about that? ‘The Windy City’ may have now acquired a new nickname, that being ‘The Deadly City.’ Because, apparently, Chicago has now earned for itself, either in spite of, or because of, its strict gun laws, the title of murder capital of the U.S. So it is then that Chicago now sits atop a list on which no city would want to find itself, a list that points out that more homicides were committed in the ‘Windy City’ in 2012 than any other city in the United States, surpassing even the ‘Big Apple.’.

And that fact becomes al the more alarming when you stop and consider the fact Chicago has only one-third the population of the Big Apple. According to new crime statistics released Monday by the FBI, there were 500 reported murders in Chicago in 2012, which was a jump from the 431 recorded in 2011. New York topped out at only 419 murders last year, compared with 515 in 2011. And yet we’re constantly being told that if only we had stricter gun laws that would solve all of our problems.

Meanwhile, the numbers were also anything but good for two Michigan cities. In Flint, a city with a population of only 101,632, there were 63 murders in 2012, meaning that one in every 1,613 city residents were homicide victims. Detroit, which experienced 386 homicides in 2012, was almost as unsafe; that’s enough murders to account for one in every 1,832 residents. So our big cities, with their bizarre devotion to liberalism, and all of the misery that goes along with, continue to suffer needlessly.

There were fifteen cities that reported more than 100 murders in 2012. Alongside Chicago, New York and Detroit, we had Philadelphia (331), Los Angeles (299), Baltimore (219), Houston (217), New Orleans (193), Dallas (154), Memphis (133), Oakland (126), Phoenix (124), St. Louis (113), Kansas City (105) and Indianapolis (101) had the busiest homicide departments. Washington, D.C., which once suffered some of the worst crime rates in the nation, reported 88 murders in 2012.

So it should be obvious that only thing Democrats, in their effort to put party politics above the safety of their citizens, have managed to do, is to turn our big cities into what are essentially nothing more than huge ‘gun free’ zones. They insist upon putting their citizens at risk by enacting stricter and stricter gun laws with the only result being escalating murder rates. And yet they stubbornly continue to advocate that allowing law abiding citizens to own a gun would only serve to make the situation worse. DUH?

So while folks continue to be denied their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, they are purposely left defenseless, being made to run what is nothing more than a gauntlet of those who are able to obtain a weapon by a less than legal means. It simply makes no sense, but when has that ever had an impact on Democrat policy making. I have a little suggestion here. How about we make the office space of every single anti-gun Democrat a ‘gun free’ zone, with NO weapons of any kind being permitted.

There are simply to stats that back up any of the claims being made by a majority of Democrats that stricter gun laws would reduce the number of deaths in this country that can be related to guns. The Democrat drive for increasingly tougher gun laws really has nothing whatsoever to do with public safety. If Democrats were truly interested in keeping people safe, they would be busy asking Barry "Almighty" why it is that his Justice Department is not enforcing gun laws already on the books. But they are not.

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