

Friday, September 6, 2013


Ah yes, remember how it was back in those very heady days of 2010 when we all heard Nancy "Too Much Botox" Pelosi out in front extolling all of the great and wondrous benefits that all would be able to receive under Obamacare? Her exact words were: "Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance." Well, as it turns out, old Nancy was doing just a little over-selling of this thing, and was doing nothing more than telling another one of her frequent whoppers.

The reason I say that is because, apparently, up until now professional organizations have worked with various insurance providers in an effort to craft reduced-rate plans for their members. But thanks to the fine print in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), otherwise known as that very same Obamacare that was so enthusiastically touted by our esteemed Ms. Pelosi, that's all coming to a very abrupt end. Because as of January 1, 2014, many of these plans will fail to pass legal muster. But is anyone really all that surprised?

The College Art Association website posted a notice this month: "The New York Life Insurance Company recently informed CAA that it will no longer offer catastrophic healthcare coverage previously available to CAA members." Why? Well because it "is no longer an option" for "associations whose members reside in different states" to provide such coverage. These members will now have to seek help from their home states’ newly formed Obamacare exchanges. Plans offered to Modern Language Association (MLA) members will suffer a similar fate.

Other insurance providers are also reporting cancellations. The Entertainment Industry Group Insurance Trust (TEIGIT) website posts the following notice: "All individual and/or Sole Proprietor Health Insurance will terminate January 1, 2014. This includes plans acquired as Members of our Affiliated Associations & their groups." Those affiliated associations include the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, the Dramatists Guild, the Graphic Arts Guild, NY Women in Film and Television, and many others. Many of these groups are, I'm sure, heavily infested with Barry voters.

So all of these flaming libs who, I'm quite sure, were thinking that they were being just oh-so-clever in casting their vote for Barry, as well as any other slimy Democrat, will soon be forced to contend with the very same Democrat created healthcare mess that many of the rest of us will also be forced to deal with. So I guess we will soon see just how committed these folks are to the whole notion of socialism once they are forced to deal with all that comes with having the government in charge of their healthcare. I can almost hear them whining already.

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