

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


So I ask you, with nary a hurricane in sight, what’s a poor ‘climate change’ believing Democrat to do when trying to badger the opposition? Well, apparently, if you're 'Dingy' Harry Reid, you go looking for the next best thing to blame on 'climate change.' And in this case, if you’re ‘Dingy’ Harry, that would be the massive destruction caused by flooding in parts of Colorado. You see it was while on the Senate floor Tuesday morning that 'Dingy' proceeded to slam House Republicans for partisanship and wasting the "taxpayer's time" trying to repeal ObamaCare. Personally, I prefer having a little more time be wasted than anymore of my money. And I always find it being a little hypocritical when Democrats accuse the Republicans of being partisan.

Anyway, ‘Dingy Harry’ listed numerous issues that Congress should be focusing its efforts on during session this year and lamented the fact that the House Republicans have simply refused to get on board with Barry's domestic agenda. As if he somehow considers it as being a no-brainer. 'Dingy' said, "ObamaCare is the law of the land. It's time for Republican's to mature," adding, "to grow up ... It's time for Republicans to stop denying reality." So I guess, according to 'Dingy', we’re all just supposed to ignore completely how this law will adversely effect the lives of every single American, except for those in Congress, and the disgraceful manner that this law was brought into being, and simply surrender to it? Sorry, I am firmly behind any effort to get rid of it.

And then after suggesting that Congress could be better using it's time on addressing issues that have to do with such things as the nation's infrastructure, ‘Dingy’ changed quickly gears and focused on the issue that remains so important to Democrats, "climate change." In choosing to ignore completely all of the evidence to the contrary, 'Dingy' boldly declared that, "Climate change is here." He went on to decry the fact, "We're doing nothing about it." ‘Dingy’ also suggested that Congress should "try passing immigration reform" before going on to actually list what he comically referred to as being the economic benefits of ObamaCare. Now there's a laugh, economic benefits of Obamacare. Is that not an oxymoron?

But 'Dingy' then returned to the topic of 'climate change', saying, "We should be facing the reality of climate change. Look what happened in Colorado. I talked to Senator Bennet yesterday, he said the floods were "biblical." In one part of Colorado, it rained 12 inches in two hours. I can't imagine that." Wow, you know 'Dingy's' got to be really worried about all of this 'climate change' nonsense, especially when he starts throwing around the 'B' word, even if it's kinda by proxy? But hey, I'm sure 'Dingy' views it as being one of those instances where desperate times call for desperate measures, especially as Democrats try to wreak as much economic havoc as possible while, in the process, identifying the Republicans as being the cause.

But old 'Dingy' wasn't finished just yet, not by a long shot, as he then proceeded to lay it on even thicker saying, "Fires all over the West, climate change is here. I met with the Foreign Minister of Bangladesh. They don't know what they're going to do with the rise of the sea, which is taking place. That country has no place -- no high ground. It's that way all over the world. Martial Islands -- 1,000 islands make up the Martial Islands. Fifty-five thousand people live there. These islands are being washed away with these new waves they've never seen before." yup, quite the work of fiction that we heard presented by old 'Dingy' Harry. But then this is typical behavior for scumbags like 'Dingy', always sounding the alarm for no real emergency.

'Dingy' reiterated again in his effort to chastise the Republicans, "Climate change is here. We're doing nothing about it. They're spending all our time, the American taxpayer's time, trying to repeal a law that's been in effect for four years." Well I would argue that just because it has been effect for four years, doesn't make it undeserving of being gotten rid of. Now granted, I'm sure 'Dingy' has no problem with it since he no longer has to abide by it, but the vast majority of those of us who do, would just as soon see it go the way of the do-do. It's going to be far too costly and it's going to result in people losing their jobs. Don't forget, this thing wasn't created to 'fix' anything, it was created for the sole purpose of allowing the government control of your healthcare.

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