

Friday, September 6, 2013


One more bit of evidence, as if we really needed any, that blacks will vote for absolutely anybody if they’re black, and as long as the candidate is a Democrat, is the current, and downright horrendous, state of black unemployment in this country. Because while there was most certainly enough bad news to go around for everybody in the August employment and jobs numbers released on Friday, the news was especially bad for black Americans, who voted nearly en masse for Barry "Almighty."

And what is it that they got in return? Well, out of every group listed in the Bureau of Labor Statistics report (age, gender, race, etc.) the unemployment rate among blacks increased the most, almost a full half-point, from 12.6% to 13%. This news is in line with a report released earlier this week that showed black homeownership levels are at an eighteen year low as well. And yet Barry "Almighty" still enjoys a fairly high approval rating among those in the black community. Why? Just because he’s black?

Now wouldn’t you think that after five years of the first black president, combined with being fifty years into the ‘War on Poverty’, and literally trillions of taxpayer dollars wasted, that by every relevant economic measurement, the gap between whites and blacks would have somehow narrowed at least a little bit. But instead, it’s remained pretty much unchanged, being today just as bad as it always has been. Perhaps if blacks were to just try voting for the other side they might see their fortunes change.

Ya, I know, it’s all the Republicans fault as to why blacks always vote for Democrats. Even though it has always been the Republicans who have proudly stood on the right side of race issues. Blacks seem to be determined to remain on the side of those who were the primary culprits behind slavery, dreamed up the Ku Klux Klan, created the disgusting Jim Crow law and who keep segregation alive until the Republicans joined with LBJ in passing the Civil Rights Act as well as the Voting Rights Act in the early 60s.

Well, if blacks ever decide that they’d like to try something different, we’ll be here. Because if they’re truly interested in improving their lot in life and in creating a better future for their kids, then they really only have one option. But if they’re only looking for someone who wants to keep the entitlement gravy train on the tracks, then they might just as well stay right where they are, there on the Democrat plantation. Because off the plantation they will be required to be a bit more self-reliant than maybe they’re used to.

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