

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Sen. Ted Cruz was heard to say, just today, on a conference call that even if the Senate passes a continuing resolution (CR) that permits funding of Obamacare, the fight to defund it is not over. That’s because, he says, Obamacare cannot be funded unless the Republican-controlled House of Representatives agrees to do it. Cruz said, "House Republicans can, and I believe should, continue to stand their ground." He added, "And, so, if the House holds firm, Harry Reid has no ability to muscle the House of Representatives—if they stand their ground." And therein lies a mighty big ‘IF’. Because since assuming control of the House after the 2010 election, our less than impressive Republican leadership has been more than willing to quickly cede their ground on nearly every important issue.

Cruz said that the cloture vote the Senate will hold Friday on the House-passed version of the CR is the "most important" vote that senators will cast this year. In his view, that is because if at least 41 of 46 Republicans do not vote against cloture, and thus prevent the bill from coming to a final vote in the Senate, ‘Dingy Harry’ Reid, at this point in time, will be able to get simple majority vote of at least 51 Democrats to attach an amendment to the CR stripping the language defunding Obamacare. Nonetheless, sounding ever the optimist, Cruz said, if that happens the fight is not over because the bill must then go back to the House, and Obamacare cannot be funded unless the Republican-controlled House agrees to it. Well, that all sounds fine in theory, but I ain’t holding my breath.

"Number one, if enough Senate Republicans on tomorrow’s cloture vote decide to vote with Harry Reid and grant cloture to give Harry Reid the authority to fund Obamcare, that does not mean the fight is over," said Cruz. "It means Harry Reid will pass out of the Senate a continuing resolution that funds Obamacare, but it still goes back to the House." Cruz went on to say, "And even if Senate Republicans have not shown the same strength of will that House Republicans have shown, that doesn’t mean the fight is over because House Republicans can, and I believe should, continue to stand their ground." He added, "So, if the House holds firm, Harry Reid has no ability to muscle the House of Representatives—if they stand their ground." House hold firm? Just not seeing it.

Cruz said, "I have said before I think the most important role that I can play that [Sen.] Mike Lee [R.-Utah] can play, that others can play, is to serve as a cheerleader encouraging and supporting the House Republicans to stand with the American people," said Cruz. "Because the continuing resolution that the House passed reflects the strong will of the American people who understand that Obamcare is not working." But since when has the will of the people ever had much of an impact on what happens in Congress? The fact that Boehner & Co. actually took the step to defund, was a fluke. ‘Dingy Harry’ is just gonna throw it right back at them and I have little doubt that upon receipt they’ll quickly fold like a cheap suit, the will of the people be damned. But we’ll see, maybe I’m wrong. I hope so!

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