

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


So, you ask, just how far in the tank for Barry "Almighty" are those malcontents who comprise our state-controlled media complex? Well as it turns out, Barry should have absolutely nothing to worry about when it comes to his being made to face the music for that which he is just about solely responsible for bringing about. And of course what I mean is the much talked about, government shutdown. The media is very squarely on his side.

The most recent example of where our in-the-tank ‘news’ media stands when it comes to the issue of the shutdown, comes to us by way of that Virginia-based trade/propaganda publication, Politico, who makes it quite obvious on whose side they are very firmly on in this political standoff. Because according to this particular publication, Barry "Almighty" is said to be winning by shutting down the government.

"President Barack Obama started September in an agonizing, extended display of how little sway he had in Congress. He ended the month with a display of resolve and strength that could redefine his presidency," or so says Politico propagandists Edward-Isaac Dovere and Reid J. Epstein. "All it took was a government shutdown." Like most other places, this is apparently what now passes for journalism over there at Politico.

To bolster their position that Barry is actually showing strength by shutting down the government, Politico quotes Barry himself, White House spokesmoron Jay "The Liar" Carney, OMB deputy director Brian Deese, Democrat pollster Stan Greenberg, and Democrat strategist Jim Manley. All of the quotations in the story are, of course, in support of Barry and all are from Democrats. For theirs is to be seen as the righteous position.

Indeed, one even uses Politico to tell the president to continue blaming Republicans. "Manley advised Obama to make sure people continue to see Boehner and the House Republicans as the problem and not rush into any more negotiations until public outrage forces them to bend," writes Politico. Ah yes, true biased reporting and it’s absolute finest. Proving, once again, there is little that one hears these days that one can actually believe.

And it should come as no surprise that there were no Republicans quoted anywhere in this rather skewed story. After all, why muddy up the waters by throwing in any competing opinions. And not one person skeptical of the president's strategy not to negotiate with Republicans is quoted in the story. "Best DNC press release ever," says one longtime Washington reporter. "Brad Woodhouse [the former DNC spokesman] should take notes."

This is just one more incident the reaffirms my belief that with each passing day, that which used to pass as our ‘mainstream’ news media continues to make itself less and less relevant. Granted, they still have the ear of a great many Americans, but many more today than when I was a kid now turn a deaf ear to those who seem to have forgotten what the mission of the press is supposed to be. Personally, I’d be embarrassed to call myself a journalist today.

Because far from being democracy’s watchdog, those who comprise the state-controlled media of today have become the left’s attack dogs. Instead of striving to keep the American people informed, far too much energy is now expended on keeping us all in the dark. And sadly, in doing so, those in the media, though their continuing acts of subversion, are making it all that much easier for those in power to rob from us more and more of our freedoms.

These days you need to be careful who you’re listening to. No longer is it safe to simply accept things at face value. You must always assume that you’re being lied to. Because more often than not, you are. Trust but verify. Truth is said to always win out, but the more time you have to waste trying to discover it, the more difficult it will be for you to combat all the lies that have been told in the meantime. And I fear we may be loosing the battle.

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