

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


So I’m kinda curious about something. Let’s just say, just for the sake of argument, that all the doom and gloom about how the Republicans are going to get massacred in next November’s election are correct. And that the American voters, in their infinite wisdom, will in fact hand over to the Democrats not only control of the House, but will also allow them to maintain, or to even increase, their numbers in the Senate. What then? I mean, does that really sound like a good idea? Would that really be in the best interest of the American people?

And the only reason that I ask is because all we have to do is to look back at the first two years of Barry’s presidency to see that, under the same circumstances, that period of time really wasn’t a very productive time in American politics. Unless, of course, you happened to be a crony of the president or of the congressional Democrats. Because what we got during that time, if you remember correctly, was a bogus trillion dollar ‘stimulus’ bill, the even more bogus ‘Affordable Healthcare Act’ and the just as bogus Dodd-Frank finance bill.

Now there’s an old saying that says even a crazy person will run out of a burning building, and using that as my analogy of choice might it be safe to assume that at some point, should voters actually vote en masse for Democrats, that they would eventually come to recognize the disastrous error of their ways? Would they ever come to fully recognize what it was that they had so freely given away? And upon doing so, would they then go in search of those very same ones whom they are now said to be so dissatisfied with?

The bottom line here is that many Republicans, and I would a argue that it’s actually most of them, today are trying to do nothing more than to protect the future of generations yet to be born, and yet are always being cast as the villains. So the question that I have here, is that once the Republicans have been abandoned, and for no other reason than for trying to save the country from what the Democrats are attempting to inflict upon it, will there be any inclination, on their part to, ever again enter the fight?

So the coming election may prove to be Americans last chance to avert what will very likely be the sentencing of their children to a lifetime of servitude and dependency on a very unforgiving government. It will not be a happy life, life under despotism never is, and this is what we shall have here in America for the first time in our history. So as another old saying goes, we all need to be very careful what it is that we wish for, because we just may get it, and once we have it, it will prove to be very difficult, if not impossible to get rid of.

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