

Monday, October 28, 2013


The tentacles of George Soros, that sinister megalomaniac on a mission to destroy America, are as many and they are far reaching. Soros seems to be of the opinion that his billions actually entitle him to influence the internal workings of any country he sees fit to. And it would seem that yet another example of that comes in the form of a shady little network of donors that pumped $30 million into Barry "Almighty's" re-election campaign and that now seems to be poised to spend another $20 million in the 2014 midterm elections for the sole purpose of defeating certain House members who oppose immigration reform.

A little something referred to as "The Latino Victory Project", a group that, apparently, has the backing of labor unions and groups associated with, the previously mentioned, billionaire nut job, George Soros, says it’s prepared to campaign against 10 lawmakers, whose districts include significant Latino populations, and who oppose overhauling laws that could offer a path toward citizenship for individuals who arrived in the country illegally. It has been claimed that up to $2 million will be spent in each targeted district, first with the aim of ‘persuading’ the lawmakers to back immigration reform; and if that doesn't work, the goal would switch to defeating them.

Cristobal Alex, a former program officer at the Ford Foundation, another rich source of cash for just about every leftist cause out there, has been appointed president of the Latino Victory Project. He said the group wanted to "build political power in the Latino community so that the faces of Latinos are reflected not just in every level of government but in the policies that drive the country forward." The Project joins an existing array of pro-immigrant groups, unions, religious leaders, law enforcement officials, and some in the business community that have been pushing, along with the Barry "Almighty" White House, for immigration reform.

These are the House Republicans who have now, apparently, had a target paintined on them by this specific Latino group as we head into the 2014 campaign season: Reps. Mike Coffman and Scott Tipton of Colorado; Jeff Denham, Gary Miller, David Valadao and Howard "Buck" McKeon of California; Daniel Webster of Florida; Joseph Heck of Nevada; Steve Pearce of New Mexico; and Randy Weber of Texas. There were an estimated 11.7 million undocumented immigrants in the United States as of March 2012, with 60 percent in six states: California, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, and Texas, according to a Pew Study.

So why is that someone like Soros seems to be so determined to force America to grant 11 million individuals who are in the country ILLEGALLY, amnesty? Well, it ain’t because he’s got a soft spot in his heart for Mexicans. The answer is really quite simple when you stop to consider the fact that most if not all of these 11 million people, upon receiving amnesty, would also be receiving at the same time, their Democrat Party voter registration card. The Democrat Party of today is really no longer an American political party. It is a party made up of those who hate America, those who are dead but are still able vote and those here illegally.

I guess the one question I have would be, since when is it some sort of an international human right for anyone who wants to, can simply come here and set up housekeeping in these United States? I mean I can’t really think of any other country where is seems to work that way. And yet we have these leftist goons, like this psychopath Soros, who insist upon inserting themselves into the political process for no other reason than because they have a few billion dollars laying around and are able to purchase for themselves a politician, or two, who are quite willing to do their bidding in exchange for nothing more than some campaign cash.

And it’s the American people who are the ones who end up getting screwed in this little process, and they need to realize that more and more of those folks that they elect are actually working against them and for guys like Soros. We are losing our country, it is being stolen from us right before our very eyes, with it essentially going to the highest bidders. These soulless scoundrels are determined to destroy our Constitutional Republic, and to replace it with what they think America should like. And their America is not one that many of us would want our children growing up in. So we need to be more careful in choosing those who we vote for.

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