

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Just when I think we MIGHT be making a bit of forward progress in the right direction, along comes John Boehner to prove me nothin but wrong. Because, apparently, according to a new report out from the New York Times, it would seem that our perpetually spineless Speaker of the House, the guy who just never seems to be able to pass up an opportunity to knife conservatives in the back, has told fellow lawmakers that he’d be willing to allow legislation to come to the House floor that would raise the nation’s debt limit yet again. And he would do so even if a majority of his fellow House Republicans, oppose such a measure.

That move, if Boehner were to actually go through with it, would violate the longstanding Hastert rule, that unwritten policy that says the Speaker will not allow legislation onto the floor that is not supported by a majority of the party in power. Because should Boehner allow such legislation to come to the floor, it would then require only a small number of supposed Republicans to cross the aisle to join their Democrat brethren in voting for and, in all likelihood, passing it. Now if Boehner does go through with move, then every effort must be undertaken, and as soon as possible, to remove him from the Speakership.

"Hurricane Sandy, the fiscal cliff, all of the big votes require reasonable Republicans and Democrats to come together in order to pass it and get it to the president’s desk," Rep. Michael G. Fitzpatrick (R-PA) told the Times. "This will be no different." What the Hell does this moron mean when he says, reasonable Republicans? Personally speaking, I can only assume that what he must really mean are those who we recognize as RINOs but who like to refer to themselves as being the "reasonable Republicans." There’s just no other way to look at it. This is the kind of crap that is to be considered as being unacceptable and needs to be stamped out!

And then we had Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ), another freaking RINO, who met with Boehner on Wednesday. And while this clown wouldn’t provide any details of what was said during that meeting to the Times, he did imply that such a move was indeed possible. "The speaker of the House does not want to default on the debt on the United States," he said, "and I believe he believes in Congress as an institution, and I certainly believe he is working for the best interests of the American people." Just a bunch of lame excuses the purpose of which is to properly prepare us for the coming disappointment, proving, once again, that our supposed leadership is anything but.

As for Boehner’s camp, they all seemed to be quite tight lipped, dodging the question but seeming to leave the door pretty far open. "The speaker has always been clear that a default would be disastrous for our economy," Boehner spokesman Michael Steel told the Times. "He’s also been clear that a ‘clean’ debt hike cannot pass the House." That last part of the quote references recent reports that over 20 RINOs have now signaled their support for a "clean" continuing resolution that fully funds both Obamacare and the federal government. So again it’s our side who seems to be only too happy to surrender.

I stopped trusting Boehner a long time ago. Frankly, I was shocked when I heard that he had sent to the Senate a Continuing Resolution (CR) that actually defunded Obamacare. I really didn’t think he had the backbone to do such a thing. But it was to be short lived. Because it wasn’t long after that he was already making compromises, weakening his own position. Who does that? Why is it that this is how our side defines leadership? Our guys seem to walk around with a white flag in their back pocket that they can have at the ready to throw anytime things get the least bit tough. Just doesn’t make any sense!

You know, after the 2010 elections I had some pretty high hopes. But I’ll tell ya what, it wasn’t very long after Boehner assumed his current position that I realized we could have done a whole lot better in choosing a speaker. Instead of having someone who possessed some real leadership abilities, we were, instead, saddled with someone who was, and who continues to be, pretty much useless. But he is far from being the only one lacking the necessary courage to put a stop to all of the madness. So, if not enough on our side are willing to do what we all know needs to be done to save our republic, might we now have to take matters into our own hands?

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