

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Ok, so about this. How about, from this point on at least, we simply stop making any mention of how low Barry’s so-called approval rating is. Because, as I have said before, I very firmly believe that it really matters very little, if at all, to him. He’s not going anywhere, we’re stuck with this creep until 2016. And God help us, if Hitlery Clinton then assumes the reins of power, because what hope there might have been to get the country back in the right track, will have gone up in smoke. But, I suppose, that’s the topic for another rant on another day.

So once again much is being made about the fact that Barry’s approval numbers have once again hit what is yet another new record low, this time according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. Supposedly only 42 percent of Americans now approve of Barry's job performance, with that number, I’m quite sure, most likely, made up of black and the Sandra Flukes of the world. We’re told that that number is down another 5 points from early October. Fifty-one percent now disapprove of his performance, which is tied for his all-time high disapproval.

And, for what, apparently, was the first time in the poll's history, and I’m not sure how much he worries about this either, Barry's personal approval ratings were lower than his disapproval ratings. The poll showed that 41 percent approve of him on a personal level while 45 percent actually disapprove. Maybe all of his lying is taking a toll. "Personally and politically, the public's assessment is two thumbs down," Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart told NBC. Hart and Republican pollster Bill McInturff are the individuals who conducted the survey.

According to these fellas, there doesn’t appear to be any one issue that can be said to be responsible for the decline. They seem to be of the opinion, rather, that it’s a combination of things, such as the NSA spying scandal, questions over his "red line" comment on attacking Syria, the government shutdown, and problems with the Obamacare website rollout all played a roll. The poll did show that the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, was also slipping in approval and, of course, that the approval rating of the Republican Party and Congress as a whole came in lower.

Apparently a whopping thirty-seven percent now view the healthcare law as something that’s a good idea, with 47 percent opposing it. The previous poll showed 38 percent in favor and 43 against. Lately, the White House, as well as congressional Democrats, have all slipped into what can now very easily be described as being hyper-drive in their effort to tout the law's supposed growing popularity in spite of the program’s rather troubled, glitch-filled, rollout. In a separate question, 40 percent say they are now less confident about Obamacare after having learned more about it. Gee, now there’s a shocker!

But how much does any of this really matter to Barry? Look, when this political thug finally leaves office in 2016 what he will leave behind is country that has been pretty thoroughly decimated. And yet, personally, he and Mee-Shell, will essentially be set for life. I think it fair to say that America will never be the same after having been made to suffer through the presidency of Barry "Almighty". And I think these low approval numbers bother him no more than a cloudy day. He came into office with the mission to destroy this country, and he will be able to leave office confident in the knowledge that he was successful in doing just that!

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