

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


And it’s in Peter King, a New York Republican, who has, of late, become a favorite of liberal media outlets for his harsh criticism of his own party, that we have, in the vein of a McCain or a Graham, another rather toxic traitor. He’s obviously a man who cares much more about his own personal political fortune, that than he does about the survival of his country. But if I remember correctly, I don’t think that it was always that way. So I’m just not sure when it was that he might have gone through some kind of metamorphosis.

King’s most recent display of treachery came when he made a recent appearance on the Communist News Network (CNN) with what, I guess, was the specific purpose of blasting his fellow Republican Ted Cruz as being "a total fraud" and demanding that the House pass a clean stopgap funding bill to end the government shutdown. Maybe this hapless dolt should, like his fellow RINOs, change his political party so that he would then feel a bit more at home. I mean, come on Pete, you really do need to get your priorities straight.

"The game is over," King told, propagandist, Anderson Cooper. He then went on to say, "We have to get this done. And John Boehner has tried everything he can and there are just some people in our party that, no matter what he tries to do, they won't go along. So hopefully we'll get some adult supervision from the Senate or something will happen. But we're talking about a real disaster coming up," he said, referring to the Oct. 17 debt limit deadline. King obviously is just another RINO who simply needs to be ignored.

And then spoken like the true turncoat that he apparently is, King said, and quite proudly so, that he will support whatever Senate deal reaches the House. "If it comes to a vote on the House floor, you can probably get all the Democrats and certainly enough Republicans to get it through." Every single Republican who would choose to side with the Democrats should then become a high value target to be gotten rid of come 2014. To say that he would vote for "whatever Senate deal" makes it to the House makes him useless to us.

King even went so far as to call it "madness" for Republicans to follow Ted Cruz. Actually what he said was, "It was absolute madness to be saying we're going to shut down the government, to defund Obamacare. It never made sense and now we're -- we're down to, apparently he's trying to pass a C.R. (continuing resolution) and take away health insurance from the congressional employees. That's why we shut the government for. It makes no sense." I think Mr. King is being more than just a little dishonest in presenting his case.

House Republican leaders on Tuesday made repeated calls for "fairness" and rejected special treatment under Obamacare for members of Congress. Their plan would require that all members of Congress to purchase health insurance on the Obamacare exchanges without taxpayer-funded subsidies. King said he's never seen anything like what's happening in Washington right now. "Nothing this bad," he said. I’m not sure how right he is on that, but let’s not forget, it’s the Democrats who have said nothing but NO!

According to King, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) "is a total fraud from the start," and his call to defund Obamacare "never could have succeeded. I can't imagine going into battle knowing you can't win and yet continuing to tell your people you are winning. It's just -- it's like a never-never land. Parallel universes, whatever you want to call it." From my point of view, the one who’s the fraud is none other than, Peter King. He likes to refer to himself as a Republican when, but for all intents and purposes, he behaves much more like a Democrat.

And of course King repeated his stupid prediction -- made earlier on another liberal network -- that Cruz will try to "rewrite history" in the months ahead by accusing Republicans of surrendering. King said, "He's going to say we were on the verge of winning back in October and Republicans panicked, they quit so soon...I can just see that nonsense coming from him that we have to really go out of our way to target him now and show that he's a false prophet and a phony." Me thinks Mr. King does protest too much!

We seem to have now arrived at a point in our history where we have an overabundance of traitors and not near enough patriots. And Peter King has now made it quite obvious on which side he now resides. Granted he’s from New York, so that probably explains his idiotic behavior, but I’m just sick and tired of seeing him being trotted out by the various left wing talking head, just so that he can then be used to slam guys like Cruz. Just once I wish Republicans could bring themselves to act just a bit more like Democrats.

But nope, we’re stuck with guys who seem to be quite determined to make the saving of America all that much more difficult. Crybabies like Peter King, who cheerfully make the rounds to every leftwing ‘news’ outlet willing to offer them a platform from which they can then throw their little hissy-fits. And I’m just tired of it. And now comes word that should surprise absolutely no one. It seems that guys like King will apparently now get their way, and the House will now vote on whatever the Senate sends over. Boehner is useless, he must be replaced!

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