

Monday, October 14, 2013


Barry "Almighty" used his Saturday radio address to press for an end to what he likes to refer to as being "this Republican shutdown" and for yet another increase in our, already too high, debt limit. Now I would hope that at least those folks who have been paying attention to what’s been going here, and have been essentially ignoring all of the silliness coming out of the state-controlled media, would know full well who it is that has brought about this shutdown. With the GOP offering up 26 pieces of legislation and the Democrats having said NO to every single one of them, it strikes me as being a little difficult to pin this on the Republicans.

But as has been the case since this lying sack of shit first strutted his cool self into the Oval Office, nothing is to ever be seen as being his, nor the Democrat’s, fault. It must always the other guys who are to be blamed, loudly and repeatedly. So in Barry’s little spiel he said, "It wouldn't be wise to just kick the debt-ceiling can down the road for a couple months, and flirt with a first-ever intentional default right in the middle of the holiday shopping season. Because damage to America's sterling credit rating wouldn't just cause global markets to go haywire; it would become more expensive for everyone in America to borrow money." Gag me with a spoon!

I did think it a bit ironic when Barry referenced, what he called, our "sterling credit rating" especially, since thanks to him it has become somewhat less than sterling. After all, it was under his ‘sterling leadership", that we suffered the first credit downgrade in our nation’s history. Barry said once the debt ceiling is raised and the shutdown is over, "there's a lot we can accomplish together." Oh ya, right! He called for more job creation at a time when Obamacare is prompting some employers to cut jobs or move workers to part-time. And he called for additional deficit reduction in a "smarter, balanced way," which is code for more tax hikes.

And then he proceeded with his same old, tired song and dance routine, saying "I know you're frustrated by what you see in your nation's capital right now. But because it's easy to get lost in or give up on the political back-and-forth, I want you to remember: this is not normal. Our government is closed for the first time in 17 years. A political party is risking default for the first time since the 1700s. This is not normal. That's why we have to put a stop to it. Not only because it's dangerous, but because it saps everyone's faith in our extraordinary system of self-government. And that hurts us all." Geez-louse, what a bunch of idiotic drivel.

Barry also urged businesses to give furloughed government workers a break, as their regular paychecks are delayed: "And I want to thank all the neighbors and local business owners who've shown acts of kindness to these Americans who serve their country. I ask that same spirit of citizenship from lenders who do business with these folks. Because they're being punished enough through no fault of their own." Bullshit! As far as I’m concerned, these underworked and grossly overpaid public employees should have been saving up for just such an occasion. Because I wonder, would you ever get a break if you lost your job through no fault of you own?

Barry chose to end his typical little blame-game routine by saying, "So let's pass a budget, put people back to work, and end this Republican shutdown." Again with it being a Republican shutdown? I guess Barry must figure that if he repeats it often enough, it just might stick. And who knows, maybe with the crowd that makes up his imbecilic base, it just might. After all, the combined IQ of that pathetic little collective rests, very firmly, somewhere down in the single digits. Barry said the nation should be focusing its energy on job-creation, education, and immigration reform. "And as always, this country works better when we work together."

Ya know, that would be hysterical if it weren’t so tragic. When we work together? I’m curious about something, when, if ever, do Democrats, including our lame excuse for a president, ever strive to actually work together with anyone but themselves? Democrats, by essentially demanding that everything be their way or the highway, can hardly be identified as those possessing any desire for working together. And as far as job creation, Barry has been far more successful at decimating the employment rolls, than he has in creating jobs for those few who still remain. After all, we have 10 Million fewer people working in America today than we had back in 2009.

So as this "Obama Shutdown" is allowed to continue, the scare tactics employed by Barry & Company only continue to escalate as they hope to bring pressure to bear on the Republicans that will be sufficient to make them abandon their supporters and to then cave on all their demands that something actually be done regarding our current, and worsening, fiscal mess. And I’m quite confident that it will only be a matter of time before we witness yet another complete capitulation on the part of congressional Republicans, after all, that seems to be what they do best. It’s enough to make we want to be a Democrat, just to feel what it’s like to be on the winning side once and a while.

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