

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


What, do you suppose, must it be like to live in the alternate universe of Barry "Almighty"? I only ask because I can remember back to a not too distant time, when candidate Barry said that if you made less the $250,000 you would not see your taxes go up bu one dime? Well, I think we all now know how well that one worked out. But, it must have worked well enough for Barry, because just today in a little speech over at the White House, Barry was heard to say that raising the debt ceiling "does not cost taxpayers a single dime."

In fact, Barry said, raising the debt ceiling is simply "routine." However, never before in the history of our country have we been talking about such a staggering amount of debt that has been accrued in such a short, historically speaking, period of time. We have progressed well beyond the point where the taking on of any more debt should be considered as being, to use Barry’s word, "routine." I just don’t understand how ANYONE can look at $17 Trillion of debt and declare it as being merely routine. To me that’s nothing short of insanity!

"For example, one of the most important things Congress has to do in the next couple weeks is to raise what's called the debt ceiling. And it's important to understand what this is. This is a routine vote. Congress has taken this vote 45 times to raise the debt ceiling since Ronald Reagan took office." My response to that is, "So fucking what?" This isn’t the 1980s or the 1990s, when the our debt, while still considered to be too high by many, was nowhere near what Barry and the Democrats have gotten it up to today. We’re spending money faster than we can print it.

And then Barry, in lying through those big pearly whites of his, went on to say, "It does not cost taxpayers a single dime. It does not grow our deficits by a single dime. It does not authorize anybody to spend any new money whatsoever. All it does is authorize the Treasury to pay the bills on what Congress has already spent." Just how stupid does he think we really are? Or is he simply delusional? I mean, how can this make sense to anyone? And I’ll tell ya, any Democrat that goes along with this level of insanity must be viewed as being just as dangerous as Barry.

What’s underway here is the very purposeful destruction of our country. And anyone who can bring themselves to agree with what Barry is trying to do here must be considered as being an enemy of the people. No more excuses can be, or should be, tolerated. Politicians are to be considered as either being with us or against us, there can be no middle ground. Taking up the middle ground is what helped get us here. Somewhere there must be some Democrats who are willing to stand up to this madness. In the present political climate, Republicans cannot do it alone. Real leadership will be required of both sides.

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