

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


So I’m kinda curious about something. What I’m curious about is what all those morons who voted to re-elect the man who could, quite possibly, go down in history as being the worst president this country has ever had, were thinking at that precise moment they chose to vote for him. I mean, his record certainly wasn’t one that, you would think, could possibly instill any level of confidence that he actually knew what he was doing. And the country was obviously much worse off than it was when he first took office. And today, it’s already in even worse shape than it was when he was elected for the second time. So what gives?

And now, what’s likely to be a great many of the very same people who thought that they were being just-oh-so-clever in their voting for Barry, even though that little voice in their head had to have been telling them not to do it, now have the nerve to whine about what they, themselves, have brought about. Because, apparently, the number of Americans who now say that they are actually optimistic about the U.S. economy has dropped to the lowest level in over a year, or so yet another new poll would seem to be telling us. I don’t know, personally, I’m getting a little tired of polls, but since others aren’t, I thought I’d comment.

And so, according a to poll conducted by the Communist News Network (CNN) and ORC International, another left-of-center outfit, which was conducted October 18-20, pessimism about America's future economic health seems to be on the increase. It shouldn’t take a genius to recognize the fact that what Barry is so desperate to do here in America is to convince us just how bad capitalism is, or in Barry-speak how unfair, and how great socialism is. This even though it has been proven, time and again, that there is no better path to achieving success than the capitalist system, and no faster path to abject misery, for all, than socialism.

But I digress, back to this poll. So based on this recent poll I guess we can now ‘safely’ assume that at least fifty-nine percent of Americans are none to confident that our economy will be any better a year from now, in fact they think it’s liable to be worse. And, apparently, 40 percent of Americans, again based on this poll, feel pretty darn confident that the economy will be in good shape this time next year. That was the lowest level of optimism expressed by the public in two years. It also marked a 10 percent drop in optimism about the U.S. economy since June, when 50 percent actually expressed a brighter outlook about the future.

Meanwhile, 71 percent of the 841 adults who were surveyed here said current economic conditions remain poor compared to just 29 percent who said the current conditions are good. Now what do you suppose the racial makeup might be of that 29 percent? Hey, just asking. But look, let’s be honest here, anyone who can look at the current state of our economy, and what’s being done to only make matters worse, and can still say that the current economic condition is good, is either a complete moron, is, for whatever reason, choosing to simply lie through their teeth, or is, in all likelihood, black. Because that’s where we are now.

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