So, in what can only been seen as being a pretty obvious cop out, after more than three years into this little sleigh ride to bankruptcy, Barry gives himself grade of "Incomplete" regarding his handling of our economy. Well Hell, that's pretty damn generous of him, don't ya think? But oddly enough, I would have thought that, you know, being the big government socialist that he is, he would be giving himself an 'A+', and proudly so. Look, this is just another lame attempt of his to plead his case, to somehow try to convince voters in the run up to the election that none of the current economic woes are to judged as being his fault but are, instead, the fault of his predecessor. He wants us all to think that, by golly he's tried his hardest to "fix" things, but because of those evil Republicans, who control only one house of Congress and have done so only for the last two years, he just hasn't been able to come through for us. If it weren't for them, we'd be in hog heaven by now. What a load of crap! Lest we all forget folks, Barry started out his term with huge majorities in both houses of Congress and could have done absolutely anything that he wanted, as evidenced by the fact that we now have government run healthcare. His bogus $800 Billion "stimulus" bill was nothing more than a slush fund with a purpose, it was a way for him to pay back all those who had supported him in his bid to become president. Personally I'd give him an 'F'.
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