

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Demonstrating yet again that he has somewhat of a serious problem in being able to deal with reality, our old friend Emanuel Cleaver made the claim on Thursday that "we cannot even find an instance of voter fraud." Now, hating as I do to call anyone a liar, even our esteemed Mr. Cleaver, it seems that a Justice Department fact sheet just might tell us a much different story. Now according to Mr. Cleaver, "We’ve had 176 restrictive bills regarding voting laws that have been proposed in 41 states. Now understand that we cannot even find an instance of voter fraud. In the last 20-something years, the Justice Department has investigated like two." Mr. Cleaver’s claim notwithstanding, that simply ain't quite true.

I would recommend to Mr. Cleaver that before he goes about shooting his big, fat mouth off, he might first want to check the actual facts of the matter. Because according to a Justice Department fact sheet dated July 2, 2008, over 140 individuals have been charged with election fraud offenses and over 100 people have been convicted of voter fraud since the Attorney General’s Ballot Access and Voting Integrity Initiative was launched in 2002. Cleaver made an idiotic claim that the voting public has been under attack since 2011. "We never would have predicted in the 1970s or in the 1980s that in the year 2011 that we would be fighting an attempt to suppress or discourage minority voting power," he said. Right, that’s what this is really all about. Give me a break!

Sounding more than just a little unhinged, Cleaver even went so far as to actually suggest there is some sort of a conspiracy afoot, most likely one perpetrated by those who comprise that racist right wing. A conspiracy the purpose of which is to suppress minority votes because of the record high turnout of black and Latino voters in the 2008 presidential election, when the nation elected, much to our detriment, the first, black president. He went on somewhat of a tirade saying "We should have understood it, because in 2008, African-American and Latino turnout was the highest ever, and for the first time in U.S. history, African-American voter turnout equaled white voter turnout percentage-wise – not in numbers, but percentage-wise."

And then exhibiting a level of paranoia seldom seen in someone not locked away somewhere in a padded room, Cleaver went on to say, "And we were dumb and thoughtless if we did not understand that there would be a response to that, and we did not predict what happened, and so it’s been estimated that the block-the-vote efforts could cost about 5 million black votes across the country. And that could jeopardize the election, whichever way you choose to vote," he said. "So why other than what I mentioned earlier would there be such an effort to deter minority voting power. So we see this assault as both numerous and dangerous," Cleaver added.

Now wouldn't you think that someone, such as Mr. Cleaver, who has been entrusted by the voters to represent them in Congress would want that most basic of rights, the right to vote, protected? But that kind of thinking is not something that you're going to hear coming from Democrats. You see voter fraud is one of those staples of the Democrat Party, something that is employed every election year, as needed, should it become necessary in their effort to maintain power. So Mr. Cleaver here has to go and claim that there is an attempt afoot to keep them poor black folks from voting. And he's lying through he teeth! And isn’t it strange that every time you hear about voter fraud taking place, it ALWAYS involves Democrats.

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