

Monday, September 24, 2012


Our 'Fearless Leader', referred to recent events in the Middle East, including violent attacks on embassies and the terrorist murder of a US ambassador and three other Americans, as 'bumps in the road'. The comment came in Barry's CBS '60 Minutes' interview that aired on Sunday night. Steve Kroft, the posing as an interviewer, asked: 'Have the events that took place in the Middle East, the recent events in the Middle East given you any pause about your support for the governments that have come to power following the Arab Spring?

Barry responded as only Barry can: 'Well, I’d said even at the time that this is going to be a rocky path. The question presumes that somehow we could have stopped this wave of change.' He went on, 'I think it was absolutely the right thing for us to do to align ourselves with democracy, universal rights — a notion that people have to be able to participate in their own governance.' Finally adding, 'But I was pretty certain and continue to be pretty certain that there are going to be bumps in the road because, you know, in a lot of these places, the one organizing principle has been Islam.'

Ambassador Chris Stevens died of apparent asphyxiation at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi after an attack launched under the cover of a demonstration against a crude, low-budget anti-Islam movie made in California. Sean Smith, another diplomat, and former U.S. Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were also killed. But hey, I'm sure the family members of these folks are fine with Barry's assessment of things, that the deaths of these Americans represents nothing but a few bumps in the road. Is this not the most egregious example of a failed leader that you've ever witnessed?

Naturally Republicans leapt on Barry's 'bumps in the road' comment, and rightly so. Ari Fleischer, former press secretary to President George W. Bush said on Twitter: 'I guess when u win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing "an attack that kills an Ambassador is just a ‘bump in the road.' Barry had initially insisted the attack was nothing more than a spontaneous result of anger about the movie and had nothing to do with al-Qaeda or U.S. policy in the region. And yet Barry still remains hesitant about actually calling it what it was, a terrorist attack on Sept. 11.

After the head of the U.S. National Counterterrorism Centre told Congress that the attack was terrorism, Barry's spokesmoron, Jay "The Dim Bulb" Carney, finally came out and stated the obvious: 'It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack'. On the same day as the five-hour Benghazi consulate attack, in which RPGs and mortars were used, the U.S. embassy in Cairo was targeted by a mob that tore down the American flag and replaced it with a black Islamic flag. There were also attacks on U.S. missions in Tunis, Sana'a, Khartoum and Islamabad.

Stevens, the first U.S. ambassador to be murdered since the Carter administration was winding down, and was viewed as one of the better American diplomatic assets in the region. A diary written by Stevens and obtained by CNN after being found in the wreckage of the Benghazi consulate revealed that he had been concerned about security threats in the city and a rise in Islamic extremism. A White House official firmly rejected this, telling ABC News: 'It’s just not true that he was characterizing the attack in Benghazi - the question doesn’t even make mention of it. He’s speaking about broad trends.'

So look folks, is this really the way we want our foreign policy to be conducted, pretty much on a wing and a prayer? For crying out loud, this is an absolute embarrassment, which is probably just fine with Barry. When he's not out apologizing for us he's out trying to make us look like fools whenever he can. And apparently he's not above using our diplomatic corps as bait. If we are to ever have any hope of being taken seriously again, as a nation, then we have got to rid ourselves of this disastrous president whose only goal it seems, is to make us the punching bag of the entire world.

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