

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Once again demonstrating an ability that only he, and a few other select Democrats, have now raised to an art form, Steny ‘The Gasbag" Hoyer has been very busy once again talking out his ass. My reason for making such a claim is based on his making the idiotic claim that he does not "know that any" Democrats actually believe that the redistribution of wealth is the purpose of government. This very obvious whopper was told by Steny during a Capitol Hill press briefing on Wednesday, a reporter asked Hoyer, "Do you personally believe that the goal of the federal government is to redistribute wealth, [that] that's an end of the federal government?"

Steny said, "I don’t know that any Democrat believes redistribution of wealth is the end of government--it is not." He then said the purpose of government was to "ask" people to "help" do things like grow the economy, educate people, and secure the country. "It is, however, to ask all of us--some of us have more than others--to help grow the economy, make the country stronger, participate in supporting the national security of our country, participate in investing in the health and education of our people, participate in making sure the infrastructure of our country is sufficient to the competition we face around the world," he said.

Steny claimed that this ‘collective’ approach was what produced the economic prosperity of the 1990’s, claiming that it was "the best economy in my lifetime, and your lifetime." The ‘collective’ approach? Just what the Hell is this pompous ass taking about? The ‘collective’ approach never played any kind of a role in creating prosperity in this or any other country. This buffoon went on to say, "Again, I point to the Clinton years where the Clinton economic policy was adopted in 1993." Adding, "Total opposition from the other party, same claims they made then, best economy in my lifetime, and your lifetime, and the lifetime of anybody in this room."

Earlier this week, an audio recording of the-Illinios State Sen. Barry "Almighty" speaking very much in favor of wealth ‘redistribution’ was posted on YouTube and on The Drudge Report. In the speech, at Loyola University in 1998, Barry is heard to say that, "I think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution – because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody's got a shot." Now while Democrats like Hoyer may work to downplay the significance of this tape, I’d say Barry’s actions over the last four years make that more than just a little difficult.

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