

Friday, September 21, 2012


Can you possibly imagine the pressure that Mitt Romney must be under to win November's election? I mean let's face, I'm sure he must realize that if he loses this battle of good against evil, it will be he that goes down in history as being the man most responsible for the bright light of America being forever extinguished. Now I suppose at least some of you make ask, is evil really the right term to describe what Barry is doing? Yes, because all that Barry has done, is doing, and wishes to do, is Evil. He has dedicated himself to the destruction of this country, and he is doing his absolutely best, with the help of others of his despicable party, to engineer an economic collapse in this country. And evil is the only way to describe such a thing. And trust me when I say, race plays no part in how I choose to view this contest, it's based entirely on the policies that Barry has put into place, what I see as being his very obvious disdain, even hatred, for this country, and the fact that he seems to possess the need go around the world apologizing for it. He has been most disrespectful towards our allies while at the same time choosing to cozy up with those who only mean to do us harm. Quite frankly, I just don't get it.

And let's face it, that's only the beginning. Because under Barry's reign, people in this country have seen their personal wealth plummet by nearly half, we've been witness to the bottom, quite literally, falling out of the housing market with millions of Americans now living in homes that they owe more money on than their homes are now worth, we have 100 million Americans now on some form of government assistance, 46 million Americans on food stamps, and for the first time in our history our credit rating has been downgraded. Oh and let's not forget how more expensive food has become and that the price of gas is once again very rapidly approaching four dollars a gallon, having already more than doubled since Barry first came into office. According to Barry's own government statistics, the price of a gallon of gas has now gone from $1.84 per gallon to $3.85 per gallon. Every one of these things can be traced directly back to Barry and any number of policies and additional regulations that he has put into place. Sometimes even without the approval of Congress. Because you see, he is a ruler unto himself, and he don't need no stinkin Congress, he is OBAMA, The ONE!

And another thing, I’m getting really tired of hearing about how it is that Barry thinks that things would be just oh so much better if only we would all just agree to start paying what he thinks is our "fair share." Ironically, at the same time he's asking, no make that demanding, that those of us who already pay the lion's share of taxes paid in this country, pay even more, nearly half of us are able to get away scot-free, and while paying absolutely nothing in income taxes, and yet these people still mange to get a big fat "refund" check every year. Now that little arrangement may sound pretty fair to a fella like Barry "Almighty", but where I come from, it's anything but. And I'm sure it would be a pretty safe bet to say that those lucky stiffs who don’t get hit up every April 15, will most assuredly be voting for Barry, after all who in their right mind would vote for someone who would be asking that they too, pay 'their' fair share? What so many fail to understand here is that we are all in this together, rich, not so rich, black, white, everybody! If this little ship called America sinks, we’re all going to sink with it! And Barry is busy doing nothing more than punching as many holes as he can in the bottom of that ship.

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