

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


People who share the same faith often embrace divergent political ideologies. But an example that takes that scenario to a whole new level would be the case that involves Mitt Romney and 'Dingy Harry' Reid. As it happens both are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which, for some reason, seems to be much bigger issue for Romney than it is for old 'Dingy'. Anyway, despite sharing a faith allegiance, their theoretical constructs couldn’t be more oppositional. On Monday, these differences came to a head, when old 'Dingy' was heard to take aim squarely at Romney’s faith, going so far as to actually claim that Romney is "not the face of Mormonism." Following these idiotic comments, Utah state Sen. Ben McAdams (D), who also happens to be a Mormon, again apparently no big deal, chastised 'Dingy' and defended Romney.

According to CNN, old 'Dingy' made his anti-Romney claims on during a conference call with reporters. At the time the statements were made, 'Dingy' was speaking about the notion that LDS adherents in his state purportedly don’t view Romney as the face of the faith. "[Romney's] coming to a state where there are a lot of members of the LDS Church," 'Dingy' explained. "They understand that he is not the face of Mormonism." The comments mark the first time that 'Dingy' has invoked Romney’s faith as a point of criticism. Despite the 'Dingy’s' idiotic attempts to smear Mr. Romney, The Salt Lake Tribune notes that others have praised the presidential candidate on the religious front: "In contrast, other prominent Mormons have thanked Romney for presenting a positive image of the church. J.W. Marriott, head of the Marriott hotel chain and a family friend of the candidate, told Romney’s church congregation in Wolfeboro, N.H., that Romney’s presidential run has been good for the Utah-based faith. "There has never been as much positive attention to the church, thanks to the wonderful campaign of Mitt Romney and his family," Marriott said, according to news reports."

And as surprising as it sounds, at least to me, even on the Democrat front, not everyone is comfortable with the criticisms that 'Dingy" has thrown at Romney. Take, for instance, Mr. McAdams, a Democratic political leader who is also the executive director of the national LDS Democrats Caucus. Rather than supporting 'Dingy's' claims against Romney, he lambasted them. "I for one don’t want to engage in the business of whether Mitt Romney or Harry Reid is devout by my standards," McAdams said in an interview with The Daily. "I don’t think that it is appropriate to measure somebody’s faith or how they exercise their faith." McAdams also added that, despite not agreeing with all of the candidate’s politics, he’s "proud of Mitt Romney." In the end, like Marriot, the senator believes that Romney’s candidacy "is bringing a positive might to Mormons."

As is typical for someone of his rather twisted political persuasion, old 'Dingy' took his criticisms beyond merely claiming that Romney isn’t the face of Mormonism. He took it upon himself to respond to what's been described as an ‘opinion piece’ by Gregory A. Prince over on The Huffington Post, which focused upon Romney’s now-infamous, albeit completely true, comments about the 47 percent of Americans who embrace government handouts. In the article, Prince asked readers not to judge the Mormon faith based on Romney and his statements, a sentiment that 'Dingy' obviously agrees with. "He said that Romney has sullied the religion that he, Prince and Romney share," 'Dingy' explained on the conference call. "And he’s so disappointed, that in his words, ‘It’s a good religion and he’s hiding from it.’" "Dingy' is about as worthless a piece of sh!t that you're ever gonna find anywhere, and this crap just proves it.

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