

Thursday, September 27, 2012



I know that I've asked this question before, but am I really the only one wondering if today's NAACP any longer serves any useful purpose, other than, of course, to serve as the racist smear merchants of the Democrat Party. To me it has become more and more obvious, especially so in more recent years, that it has become less of an actual advocate for the advance of blacks and more of a political smear machine serving at the beck and call of the Democrat Party. And I can't help but wonder if those brave men who first brought the organization into being aren't now spinning in their graves. They have now seen their organization co-opted by those who possess more of a political agenda than an equal rights agenda. And the reason I bring this up is that most, if not all, members of this once venerable organization now seem to be eagerly joining in the chorus of Democrats who are now making the idiotic charge that millions of citizens, two-fifths of them black, are somehow being denied the right to vote. This week what was described as a 'delegation' from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) actually called on the United Nations to investigate America’s "racially discriminatory election laws." The NAACP delegation visiting Geneva even hosted a panel on the "disenfranchisement" of U.S. citizens and addressed the U.N. Human Rights Council, which is in session in the Swiss city.

One of these 'delegates' told the HRC that the right to vote was a cornerstone of democracy and claimed that there exists in the U.S. a patchwork of divergent laws and procedures that pose as barriers to voting. This bogus group urged the U.N.’s "special rapporteur" on racism to investigate "racially discriminatory election laws," and said the HRC should then make recommendations that would restore the political and voting rights of all citizens. On Tuesday, the delegation hosted some panel on the subject at the U.N.’s Geneva headquarters. "Today, nearly 5.3 million U.S. citizens have been stripped of their voting rights on a temporary or permanent basis, including more than 4.4 million citizens who are no longer incarcerated," claimed Lorraine Miller, who chairs the NAACP national board’s advocacy and policy committee. "More than two million are African American, yet African Americans make up less than 13 percent of the U.S. population," she said. Someone should point out to this moron the fact that if these more than two million blacks hadn't made a conscious decision to break the law, they'd be able to vote today! Miller said the NAACP commended our stellar Attorney General Eric Holder for his efforts to "prevent the implementation of recent challenges to voting rights." Adding, "However, we remain deeply concerned with the continued practice and discriminatory impact of felony disenfranchisement."

Among the members of this so-called delegation was a woman by the name of Kemba Smith Pradia who, according to the organization, was convicted of a drug-related offense in 1992, granted clemency by ex-president 'Slick Willie' Clinton. This genius is barred from voting in Virginia under legislation prohibiting those formerly incarcerated to vote in the state. Ms. Pradia complained, "Nationally, I represent more than five million citizens that are disenfranchised from being a part of the political process simply because of past felony convictions." Again I would argue that had she not decided to break the law, she would, in fact, be permitted to vote today. Now I am quite sure that there was no one holding a gun to her head forcing her to break the law. She made that decision all by herself. Ya know, what people like this seem not to realize is that there are such things as consequences for bad, and/or stupid, behavior. Ms. Pradia just needs to take a little responsibility here and accept the consequences of 'her' behavior. NAACP Senior Vice President for Advocacy Hilary Shelton told the panel that the restrictions on voting "prevent those most in need of an advocate from the ability to elect someone who will represent their concerns: the need for a decent public education, for a health care system that addresses their specific demographic needs, as well as the creation of decent jobs, a functional criminal justice system and other basic human needs." Boo-freakin-hoo. Then DON'T BREAK THE LAW!

For those of you who may not remember, or who simply don't care, this is the second little trip to the HRC made by some NAACP group in just six months. It was just last March that NAACP president Benjamin Todd Jealous addressed the council on voter ID and other laws, which he said would "disproportionately block members of minority groups from voting." He said at the time, "These voter-suppression laws include so-called strict voter-ID laws, cutting of Sunday voting, early voting and same-day voter registration, and the reimposing of notoriously racist bans on formerly-incarcerated people voting." It was reported at the time, among those listening to Jealous’ appeal for HRC support were representatives of countries whose citizens have no right to vote freely, including such one-party states as Cuba and China; and Saudi Arabia, where men can only vote in municipal elections and women have been barred from even that limited right. In a Rasmussen poll last December, 70 percent of likely voters agreed that voters should be required to show photo ID before casting ballots. Only 22 percent of respondents opposed such a requirement. Although support for voter ID was significantly higher among Republicans (92 percent), 54 percent of Democrats also favored the requirement, according to the poll. Sixty-nine percent of respondents said the laws were not discriminatory, while 22 percent said they were.

Now I'm sure it can go without saying that the 2012 Democratic Party platform is very critical of voter-ID laws, claiming, that somehow they "can disproportionately burden young voters, people of color, low-income families, people with disabilities, and the elderly, and we refuse to allow the use of political pretexts to disenfranchise American citizens." But that shouldn't come as a big surprise since it's the Democrat Party that is most often found guilty of voter fraud. So why would Democrats be in favor of laws that could ultimately make it much more difficult for them to utilize one of their favorite electioneering tools? And these members of this NAACP 'delegation' border on being complete imbeciles, because despite the best efforts of Barry "Almighty", we do still have a Constitution in this country, and for them attempt to circumvent it by pleading their case to some outside organization, especially one that's as dysfunctional and corrupt as the UN, makes them appear rather shallow. Blacks in this country have always seemed to view themselves as somehow being above the rules that the rest of us must abide by, because, I guess, of the supposed injustices that they have been made to suffer in the past. But, whether they like or not, they're going to have to join us here in the 21st century, where we're supposed to act like adults, and to suffer the consequences of the choices that we make, like grownups. What these morons fail to understand is the fact that voting is not a RIGHT, it is a PRIVILEGE. So they need to suck it up and deal with it!

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