

Friday, September 21, 2012


These days I find myself getting a little down in the dumps. I was sure there were enough of my fellow Americans left who would be willing to look past all of the lies being perpetrated by Barry, and to finally be able to recognize him for what he is. But it's beginning to look like I was mistaken. And I'm a little confused really, in that I'm not sure how so many could be so blind to what has essentially been underway in this country since day one of his administration. And I find myself wondering if too many of us have simply chosen to give up on this little thing called freedom, finding it much more comfortable to rely on the likes of our president. We don't seem to be the same Americans that our ancestors were.

Each day I look at the polls and I can't help but wonder why it is that Barry isn't 10 or 20 points behind. Oh, I know there are many, even on our side, who have had some rather unflattering things to say about Romney's campaign, but my God, when looking at what Barry has done to this country, and in such a short span of time, and what he is sure to do when he hasn't another election to worry about, is absolutely frightening. And say what you will about Romney's recent 'supposed' gaffe, as far as I'm concerned what did he say that wasn't true? And I'll tell you something else, I trust Romney far more than I could ever bring myself to trust Barry. Barry's a liar, and a liar of the most vile kind.

So I've been losing a lot of sleep lately. I worry about what type of country my daughter and her kids, when she has them, will be living in. These Democrats come on television and I either have to turn the channel or leave the room, because their lies make me sick. And these media people have now reduced themselves to the point where they are nothing more than a joke. They behave like little bobble head dolls nodding in agreement with everything these lying Democrats say. They've come to serve no useful purpose, whatsoever, to we the people. These days they expend far more energy in deceiving us than telling us the things that we really need to know. That anybody still believes them is a miracle!

So I guess I'll just have to sweat it out between now and November 6, hoping, no praying, that the American people will make the right decision. I hope that enough will come to see that Romney, on his worst day would be infinitely better than Barry on his best. Romney is not a man who hates this country, nor is he one that possesses some perverted need to tear it down or apologize for it. I firmly believe that under a Romney presidency we, as a nation, would regain our footing and once again become prosperous. Now there's no denying that some very tough choices lie ahead, but we're going to have to handle those like adults, not like spoiled brats who pitch a fit every time they don’t get their way. So please, PLEASE, join with me in voting for Mitt Romney.

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