

Saturday, September 29, 2012


While many, too many I think, on our side have been quick to pounce on Romney as being a flawed candidate, a false premise that has done nothing but to serve as excellent sound bites for the opposition, I would argue that what we have instead is a flawed electorate. Think about it, if one were to take the time to take even a cursory glance back over the events of the last four years, I think it would become painfully obvious, fairly quickly, what has occurred in that time and who, specifically, is responsible. And it ain’t the guy who left office four years ago. Nope, the guy who should bare the majority of the blame for the events that have taken place, is the same guy now asking us for four more years.

Barry and member of his team insist that we focus all of our attention "FORWARD", we’re not to pay even the slightest attention to anything that has taken place between January 20, 2009 and today. Except of course, to those ‘accomplishments’ for which this president takes credit but that have essentially been created out of whole cloth. You know, like the idiotic notion that somehow things would now be so much worse had Barry not signed the very bogus $900 Billion ‘stimulus’ bill. Or how he has supposedly created some 4.5 million new jobs and yet our unemployment rate has remained stuck firmly at 8 percent or higher since he took office and that shows no sign of going below that figure in the near future under current policies.

Too many of us somehow seem to be far too willing to simply take at face value nearly everything we hear from the current team of Barry and ‘Slow Joe’. And I can’t quite put my finger on why that may be. Is it being naïve or out of some sense of misplaced loyalty? We must look beyond all of the political subterfuge that is now being perpetrated against us. These thugs have in place a game plan that consists of all manner of deception, dishonesty, distraction and is being executed in a dedicated effort to keep us disoriented just long enough to achieve an electoral victory that will allow them to march onto victory without hardly even having to break a sweat. We must be willing to expend the necessary effort to so past their political antics.

There’s a lot at stake this time around, and where in the past we could maybe afford to give a candidate the benefit of the doubt, or to cut him or her a certain amount of slack, we can ill afford to take such chances this time around. We must stiffen our resolve, question everything that we are told by this man who seeks a renewal on his contract, and simply refuse to be lied to any longer. Romney may not be the BEST candidate, but he most certainly is the BETTER candidate. I have no doubt that he will work to do what’s best for all of us, unlike Barry who has only worked to do what’s best for those who voted for him. Time is growing short, our primary objective here must be to defeat Barack Hussein Obama.

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