

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Like all of the other resident loons found over there at what is a rather pour imitation of a news organization, MSNBC, Chris Matthews long ago saw fit to relinquish any claim, of being able to identify himself as someone who is anywhere near being an actual journalist. These days he wouldn't even pass as even being a caricature of a journalist. And in what have been numerous examples where we have witnessed his exhibiting feigned outrage that has as its source the supposed rampant racial injustices that have taken place, and continue to take place, in this country, as he has appeared to be emotional whenever discussing the topic of racism. Some, such as Republican Rep. Allen West of Florida, have been wondering of late if, maybe, Chris has taken his critiques and claims just a bit too far. Recently we heard from Rep. West state that he wondered if maybe old Chris is perhaps “off his medications”. In that regard I would wholeheartedly agree with Rep. West's assessment of Chris. Because every time I see Matthews he seems to be sorely in need of his next dose of whatever his favorite drug of choice might be.

While many of his past comments have been considered to be controversial to say the least, to those of us who are obviously a bit more rational, they appear to be borderline, psychotic. While Matthews would like us all to think that he's such a stand up guy and oh so concerned about what he sees as being the plight of black folks in this country, what's most likely really behind such statements is not any genuine concern for others, but an attempt on his part to rejuvenate his rather sagging viewership. And it's in that vein that some of his more recent, and rather incendiary rhetoric, while serving to rile his critics, may actually accomplish that. Many believe he’s too hard on the GOP and that he is more than a little reckless in throwing around charges of racism and bigotry whenever talking about the GOP. Take, for instance, Matthews‘ accusation this week that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s campaign is “encouraging white anger” in its push to win the White House. These controversial words were uttered by Matthews during an appearance with MSNBC host Andrea "Crazy As a Mitchell on Monday afternoon.

The "Atlantic Wire" has more: Chris Matthews accused the Romney campaign of "encouraging white anger" in order to win in November during an appearance with Andrea Mitchell live from Charlotte on Monday afternoon. Matthews pointed to Mitt's use of a birther joke in Michigan, the campaign’s welfare ads, the voter I.D. laws that Republicans are pushing as evidence for his imbecilic claims. “Those aren’t opinions. It’s factual,” Matthews told Andrea Mitchell after she tried to distance herself from his remarks." In another recent interview, Matthew took it upon himself to lambast Republicans on their purported “race-baiting“ and said that it is ”disreputable for a presidential candidate to engage in race-baiting.” I guess that would be unless you're Barry "Almighty". Matthews also praised himself for allegedly sticking up for African Americans in the U.S., distinguishing himself as one of the only individuals in media to do so. Chris is really great a patting himself on the back, but he's nothing but a complete fraud. Nothing he does, or says, actually helps that issue about which he claims to care so much.

And, also, Matthews’ recent, and quite silly, little documentary about the president, “Barack Obama: Making History,” which I guess aired recently on the network, clearly demonstrates that he still has that same old lovin feeling for Barry. In it, Matthews seemed enamored, as he has been in the past, by the president. Newsbusters had more to say about Matthews words in the film: “President Obama is the product of our turbulent history, all that came before led to him,“ Matthews insisted in the closing portion of his ”Barack Obama: Making History” documentary. As such, according to Chris, Obama “needs to continue making history,“ for ”the moment he becomes just another incumbent president, bogged down in the status quo, he will lose something vital since we first met him: his historic self.” God, I think I'm gonna puke! Clearly, Matthews sees himself as being something of a positive force fighting against racism in the political schema. Actually, he's nothing but a clown. He's allowed himself to be reduced to being nothing more than a puppet, and Barry is only to happy to pull his strings.

Ya know, people like Matthews, as well as just about every other 'journalist' that you see on MSNBC, CNN or any of the major networks, seem to have decided some time ago that there was some benefit to they're forfeiting whatever self-respect they may have possessed and to instead essentially become tools of the left in this country. Instead of waving the red flag of danger, they are now waving a red flag of another sort. Where they were once considered as being the guardians of our Republic, they have now become the willing accomplices to those trying to destroy it. Instead of warning the populace about the dangers of a growing government, they now work, and very diligently so, to keep those dangers well hidden from prying eyes, and very often until it's too late for us to take any action. They are no longer on our side or even on the side of freedom. They are now very happy warriors in what can only be described as an army of darkness. They have sold their collective soul to the Devil, in the hopes of being able to garner for themselves, I'm not sure what. Sadly, they have decided to throw us all under the bus and have done so with a smile on their face and a gleam in their eyes.

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