

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Coming on the heels of the recent report that revealed the fact that the esteemed DNC chair, Debbie Wizzerman Schultz, and a very vocal critic of Mitt Romney‘s investing practices, had herself dabbled in the foreign markets, we can now safely add Nancy "Having Botox Until Her Face Splits" Pelosi to the growing list of prominent Democrats to profit from their very successful overseas investments. According to Pelosi’s 2011 financial disclosure statement, the Democrat House Minority Leader received between $1 Million and $5 Million in partnership income from ”Matthews International Capital Management LLC,” a group that emphasizes that it has a "A Singular Focus on Investing in Asia." A quick little trip to the company website reveals a featured post extolling the virtues of outsourcing. Hm, image that. So while on one hand, Nancy is slamming Romney, with the other she's raking in the big bucks.

"Designed in California, Made in Manila", sounds like an excellent title for the next smear ad to come out of the Barry "Almighty" campaign, or any number of the leftist PACs that are supporting him.. Instead, it appears to be Nancy Pelosi’s investment strategy. Another little funny thing is the fact that Pelosi is also a small investor in the embattled “Moduslink Global,” one of the “outsourcing pioneers” that Mitt Romney has been criticized for associating with while at Bain Capital. It’s not surprising that a wealthy politician, like Pelosi, would invest globally (nor should it be considered problematic). It's only of particular interest because of the attacks on Mitt Romney’s investments, because Barry purportedly believes in the virtues of “insourcing” and anti-globalization. So what's the real story here? I mean we're getting to the point where, if you haven't already, we gotta wonder, is there anything that Democrats say that's true?

Barry "Almighty" sure can preach economic nationalism until the cows come home, but apparently it doesn’t appear that his fellow Democrat leaders and surrogates are buying his message. And I find it as being more than just a little dishonest of these very same government 'leaders' who are now doing their best to paint as criminal, activities of a private citizen that they themselves work so aggressively to take the fullest advantage of. It gives a whole new meaning to the term, 'double standard'. They seem to operate under the concept that because of who they are, they should be entitled to take advantage of certain opportunities and that private folks should not be allowed the same privilege. This idiotic fallacy that the Democrats are somehow more in tune with the little guy is a stupid little fairytale that continues to be perpetrated by the party and it's many minions out there in the leftist media. People are simply going to need to wake up.

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