

Sunday, July 22, 2012


It just never fails, some lunatic goes on rampage and within minute the Democrat Party and the gun control advocates everywhere start crawling out of the woodwork in mere minutes of the tragedy having taken place. Gun control advocates sputter at their own impotence. The National Rifle Association is politically ascendant. And Barry “Almighty’s” White House is reportedly vowing to safeguard the Second Amendment in its first official response to the deaths of at least 12 people in a mass shooting at a new Batman movie screening in suburban Denver. But at the same time what Barry is busily trying to do here is an end run around that very same Second Amendment that he is so ardently vowing to defend, by covertly using the United Nations to accomplish his goal of gun restriction.

And as expected after every highly publicized outbreak of gun violence, this event, too, has produced strong calls from Democrats as well as a few Republicans for tougher controls on firearms. “We don’t want sympathy. We want action,” Dan Gross, president of the Brady campaign said Friday as Barry “Almighty” and Republican challenger Mitt Romney mourned the dead. Well, what sort of action? I have a suggestion. I agree with Rep. Allen West when he says since all Americans are now required to health insurance, maybe they should also all be required to buy a gun. No, I’m trying to make light of this horrible tragedy, simply trying to make the point that extremes in either direction are not necessarily the answer.

And we also heard from old ‘Fast Eddie’ Rendell, the former Democratic governor of Pennsylvania, who was a bit more emphatic than many in the early hours after the shooting. “Everyone is scared of the NRA,” he said, where else buy, on MSNBC. “Number one, there are some things worth losing for in politics and to be able to prevent carnage like this is worth losing for.” So, I guess, according to ‘Fast Eddie’ the loss of a constitutional right is to be somehow considered as being expendable. Yet it’s been more than a decade since gun control advocates last had a realistic hope of getting the type of legislation they seek, despite predictions that each shocking outburst of violence would assist them in their endeavor.

According to a Gallup poll back in 1990, 78 percent of those surveyed said laws covering the sale of firearms should be stricter, while 19 percent said they should remain the same or be loosened. But by the fall of 2004 support for tougher laws had dropped down to 54 percent. In last year’s sounding, 43 percent said they should be stricter, and 55 percent said they should stay the same or be made more lenient. In terms of electoral politics, Harry Wilson, a Roanoke College professor and author of a book on gun politics, said violent crime has been declining in recent years and, “It becomes increasingly difficult to make the argument that we need stricter gun control laws.”

Additionally, the professor said in some regions, gun control “can be a winning issue for Democrats. But nationally, it’s a loser … and they have figured that out.“ Attempts to emphasize the issue will ”really motivate the opposition. And in a political campaign, nobody wants to do that,” he said. But more than that, Americans have seemingly seen that gun control laws aren’t always effective. And the proof of that is everywhere. Everywhere that you have tighter gun control you have higher crime. That fact seems to matter very little to Democrats. And have you ever stopped to wonder why we never hear any of the positive stories, and there are many, where the use of a gun actually save a life?

On the side of sanity, and as someone approaching this tragdy in a rational an sensible way, we have a Purdue student and Young America’s Foundation Intern Scholar, by the name of Hillary Cherry asking: “How will stricter gun laws bring an end to criminals having guns, when the laws against murder have not been able to stop them from killing innocent people?” She goes on to provide her thoughts on the Colorado shooting, and stressing the importance of protecting our Second Amendment rights:

“A masked gunman opened fire yesterday on one of the 3,700 midnight showings of The Dark Knight Rises, leaving 12 dead, 50 injured, and one in custody. Liberals everywhere are wasting no time to use this massacre in an effort to push gun control and gut the Second Amendment. Mayor Bloomberg asks the Obama administration for stricter gun laws following Colorado shooting. Comedian DL Hughley tweeted, "Aurora is 13yrs and 13 miles from Columbine! Since the 60s over 500,000 ppl have bn killed by guns in the US we have no right 2 b shocked!" How will stricter gun laws bring an end to criminals having guns, when the laws against murder have not been able to stop them from killing innocent people?

Currently in Aurora, Colorado, where the shooting took place, it is already unlawful to carry a concealed "dangerous weapon," discharge firearms, unless by law enforcement on duty or on shooting range, and have loaded firearm in motor vehicle.   Yet these laws were unable to stop James Holmes.

Crime rates alone of cities such as Chicago and Washington D.C. prove that gun bans only increase crime. The D.C. police response rate is eight minutes; most crimes are done in less than one. Gun bans create a trouble-free world for criminals considering no one can defend themselves. If I were ever to face a situation like this, I would want to be prepared.  I cannot help but think, if one person in that audience was carrying a gun with them, that person could have saved lives. Unfortunately - despite what some of the Left have said - this tragedy is an example of the importance of our Second Amendment Rights.

As I look into the history of mass shootings, one detail stands out: most of the gunmen are between the ages of 17 and 24. In the Columbine High School massacre of 1999, students Eric Harris, 18 and Dylan Klebold, 17, opened fire at their school. In 2007, the worst mass shooting in our nation's history took place on the campus of Virginia Tech by 23-year-old Seung-Hui Cho. Currently, police have 24-year-old James Holmes in custody for the mass shooting that took place in theater 9. Why do these young people feel the need to take innocent lives? That question I do not know, but as a young individual, I have a Constitutional right to protect myself.

I should not be scared to go to the movies, walk around campus, and attend class. Some people seem to think guns are to blame for these murders. Not only did Holmes reportedly gas his victims, but his apartment is completely rigged with explosives. Now tell me, did his guns set up explosives and throw tear gas at his victims, too - or did he? Mass shootings can be stopped. People need to arm themselves with the facts (and with weapons). If one law-abiding person in the theater had been carrying a gun, lives could have been saved.”

And of course we should be surprised to find that perennial nutjob, Bill Maher throwing his idiotic two cents in as he used the Aurora, Colo. shooting to take one of his standard swipes at both “American exceptionalism” and “[right] wingers” on Friday, tweeting that alleged gunman James Holmes’ actions are “a reminder that so many of the things that make us exceptional these days are bad.” Maher tweeted, “Rt winger luv to tout American Exceptionalism – today is a reminder that so many of the things that make us exceptional these days are bad” Ah yes, another brilliant piece of social commentary from Maher. Yup, he and folks like him, are just so much more enlightened that the rest of us gun toting, bible hugging, Constitution loving hicks.

But I think the clincher is the fact that we’re even receiving a critique on our Constitutional ‘right’ to keep and bear arms from all people, Mexican President Felipe Calderon. This imbecile who apparent think he presides over our 51st state, condemned U.S. gun laws as "mistaken" and urged Washington to review them after a shooter killed 12 people and injured more than 50 others at a U.S. movie theater on Friday. Of course this flaming asshole also likes to stick his nose into our immigration policies as well. Maybe we should mirror Mexico’s immigration laws, but I doubt he wants us to do that.

In comments posted on his Twitter account on Saturday, Calderon offered his condolences to the United States after a gunman went on the rampage with an assault rifle at a midnight premier of the new Batman film in Aurora, Colorado. But Mexico's president, who has repeatedly called on Washington to tighten gun controls to stop weapons flowing from the United States into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, said U.S. weapons policy needed a rethink after the killings.  "Because of the Aurora, Colorado tragedy, the American Congress must review its mistaken legislation on guns. It's doing damage to us all," Calderon said.

The presidency of Calderon, who finally leaves office at the end of November, has been overshadowed by his efforts to crack down on the drug gangs. Fighting among the cartels and their clashes with the state have killed more than 55,000 people since 2007. In February, Calderon appealed to the United States to halt the flow of arms by unveiling a massive sign on the Mexican-U.S. border reading "No More Weapons!" I wonder if the topic of “Fast And Furious” came up. I doubt it! The letters on the billboard in the city of Ciudad Juarez were made of recycled guns seized by security forces, and with some probably coming from that same “Fast and Furious” fiasco. Calderon has also urged Washington to revive a ban on assault weapons in the United States that expired in 2004.

Whether it’s the sleazy Democrats, the United Nations, stupid comedians or a leader from some third world country, the American people must take it upon themselves to remain determined, resolute and, yes, defiant in their defending of their Second Amendment rights. As we have seen on any number of previous occasions, Democrats and their allies will say absolutely anything in their continuing effort to move their agenda forward. We saw it as they proceeded to shove healthcare ‘reform’ down our throats, and they will continue to do the same in order to accomplish the next big thing on their age old “To Do”, banning all guns. And we must recognize that fact, and we must remain steadfastly against ‘any’ attempt, because to do otherwise is to do at our own peril.

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