

Friday, July 27, 2012



Seeking to get out the truth, as best he can, about Barry "Almighty’s" recent executive order dictating how the DREAM Act is to essentially be implemented by fiat, Senator Jeff Sessions recently lent his microphone to two different individuals, both of whom would know, and pretty extensively so, something about that same issue. What they had to say was not particularly encouraging, at least for those who desire to secure our borders. Sen. Sessions introduced his two guests as Chris Crane, President of the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, which is the union that represents immigration and customs enforcement agents, and George McCubbin, President of National Border Patrol Council, which represents 17,000 border patrol agents and support staff.

Mr. Crane was the first to speak. He started out by saying, “It‘s impossible to understand the full scope of the administration’s changes, but what we are seeing so far concerns us greatly.” As an example of what might be causing this concern, Crane cited the issue of prosecutorial discretion for what he called “DREAMers,” i.e., illegal immigrants covered by Barry "Almighty’s" new executive order. According to Crane’s description, the order has effectively allowed prosecutors to treat these individuals as not only immune to immigration law, but immune to practically all law. Moreover, any illegal immigrant can simply claim to have a GED, or be enrolled in high school, and the law will be applied to them with no questions asked. Gee, what a deal!

“There is no burden for the alien to prove anything,” Crane said. As to the lawlessness charge, Crane brought up a story of an illegal immigrant who was arrested on four different charges, several of which were felonies, and only one of which was related to his immigration status. Yet the reaction from prosecutors was to let the immigrant in question walk out without the least bit of concern. “He’s a DREAMer. Release him,” Crane remarked bitterly to summarize the response of prosecutors. McCubbin, for his part, accused Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano of painting an unrealistically rosy picture of her record on immigration, while simultaneously surrounding herself with “Yes” men. “When you surround yourself with people who always say ‘yes,’ you will get the answer you want,” McCubbin said.

Look, I think most of us recognize what it is that's really behind this most recent example of what's become a very typical form of dictatorial action by our 'Dear Beloved Leader'. And if you happen to be a supporter of his, then you must also be someone who enthusiastically share his rather obvious hatred for this country. I, on the other hand, am someone who loves my country and have no desire, whatsoever, to see it overrun by people who seem to think that it's perfectly acceptable to break our laws and mooch off of the taxpayers of this country. Barry's primary concern here appears to be less about enforcing the laws and much more about the creating of a fresh source of Democrat voters. This is but one more reason why we MUST defeat him in November.

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