

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Earlier this week, on Tuesday I believe, our House Minority ‘Wipe’, that esteemed gasbag, Steny Hoyer completed yet another chapter in the continuing saga, “The Gasbag Chronicles”. He did so by his making the idiotic comment that food stamps and unemployment insurance are the two "most stimulative" things you can do for the economy. What? Come on, you can’t be serious! Not reduce regulations, not make it easier for those wanting to start a business to borrow money, not to provide any incentives whatsoever to the actual job creators. Nope! Only a brain-dead, sleaze-bag liberal Democrat would make such a nonsensical claim and one so easily to be proven false. In their desperation to bamboozle as many of the American people as possible, or at least those who vote, we’ve heard this same line of bullshit on any number of previous occasions and always spewed by sophomoric Democrats, but never by Republicans who recognize it for the fallacy that it is.

And it’s a claim that is based on no actual economic fact, only on liberal wishful thinking and it was made, once again, during Steny’s little pen and pad briefing with reporters on Capitol Hill. He was asked if any Democrats are “reconsidering the wisdom” of letting the Bush tax cuts expire at year’s end for the top income earners given the still struggling U.S. economy. "I haven’t talked to any who are of that mind," said Hoyer. "If you talk to economists, they will tell you there are two things that are the most stimulative that you can do -- one’s unemployment insurance, the other’s food stamps, okay?” Really? So, Steny’s telling us that there are actually bona fide economists, and not the typical clowns out there on the left, who are willing to stand behind this cockamamie idea of Steny’s? Are these the same ‘economists’ who are said to agree with everything else that Barry has done and that have only succeeded in making things so much worse?

“Why is that?” he said. “Because those folks who receive those resources must spend them. And they’ll spend them almost upon receipt. Most economists with whom I talk believe that those with significant discretionary income, that that’s not the case.” Right! And at the risk of repeating myself I’ll ask again, what self-respecting economist, other than that darling of the left, Paul Krugman, would suggest something so stupid? Look, I think that it’s pretty obvious that this is all nothing more than a continuing Democrat attempt to justify their desire to hoodwink and get even more people firmly attached to the government teat and therefore more apt to vote Democrat. Under these pathetically corrupt Democrats we have now gotten to the point where more than 40 million people are now on food stamps and people are going onto disability at a faster rate than they’re getting jobs. And this somehow supposed to make economic sense? Only to a Democrat!

Look, unless action is taken by Congress, the Bush tax cuts will expire on Jan. 1, 2013 for everybody. These tax cuts were originally enacted in 2001 and 2003, Barry “Almighty” and Congress renewed the cuts for all income-brackets for two years back in 2010. Barry “Almighty” and the Democrats are now proposing that the rates be extended for one more year, or until the end of 2013, for people earning less than $250,000 a year, while Republicans want the rates extended for people in all income brackets. I think most us realize that $250,000 is far from what it used to be. Especially if, unlike most public employees or members of Congress, you’ve got to cover 100 percent of your own healthcare costs, your own pension costs and put a kid or two through college. So I’m not getting Steny’s logic here. I mean economically speaking. Politically speaking it makes perfect sense. And that’s what it always boils down with slugs like Steny, politics.

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