

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


It was during a Monday broadcast of the Communist Broadcasting Network's (CNN) barely watched program, “Starting Point With Soledad O’Brien,” that Rep. Joseph Crowley, Democrat) stopped by to 'discuss' the difference between the Republican and Democrat approach to the Bush-era tax cuts. Now I'm sure that most of you know that the Republicans want to extend the tax cuts for all Americans who actually pay taxes, while Democrats only want to extend the cuts for those households making less than $250,000 a year. They always makes it sound like $250,000 is just so much money. Especially in this era of Barry "Almighty" when we're paying more for gas, food and utilities before stacking on college, healthcare and retirement costs.

Sounding just like your very typical Democrat, Rep. Crowley told the CNN panel that Congress needs to “reach a compromise.” Now I'm also pretty sure that most of you are fully aware of what Democrats are talking about whenever they bring up the topic of compromise. And it's not how the rest of us define it. But that didn't stop this clown Crowley from claiming, “I believe that right now what we’re looking for is compromise.” He went on to say, “We’re hoping our Republican colleagues will come in. Right now if we passed the bill, if you are a sergeant in the military serving overseas in Afghanistan, you have a wife and children back stateside, you will see a $400 increase in your taxes if the Republican Bill would become law.”

He continued to harp on the standard socialist mantra, where we continually hear these pathetically dishonest Democrats whining, “That’s unacceptable for the middle class and working Americans. We need to pass a bill that makes sense for America, not just for the wealthiest 2 percent of this country.” His interview then took an odd yet very predictable turn when taking into consideration just who it was that was doing the talking.. “To be a millionaire in this country, it is the greatest country the world has known. It is a privilege. And I think most people get that. You work hard, you get ahead, make a living and you contribute back to this country and make it a better country [emphasis added],” he said. Ok, but why half of what you make?

At the risk of once again sounding like the proverbial broken record, as I have said on numerous occasion I am a huge believer in having everybody pay what Barry describes as being their "fair share." That those who have worked so very hard all of their lives to make something of themselves and to provide for their families should continually be made to pay more and more just to cover the cost of those who have no desire, whatsoever, to make something of themselves just doesn't sit quite right with me. Where, exactly, does it state that some people should be made to pay a "fairer" share than that of others? Or that some people should have to pay nothing in the form of taxes while still getting to enjoy all of the 'benefits' that those taxes pay for?

This moron Crowley is no different than every other Democrat that we've ever heard from on this very same topic. I'll tell ya what the real privilege is. It's to have been born in this the freest and most prosperous nation in the history of the world. And as so often has been said, "Freedom ain't Free!" And if we are to have any hope of remaining free, everyone, and I do mean everyone, not just those making over $250,000, are going to need to have a little skin in the game. Everyone needs to contribute to keeping this whole grand experiment afloat. Otherwise we've got half of the population doing nothing more than dragging the other half of us down. And what sense does that make except to stupid goofs like this Crowley clown. Folks, this election is just so, so important. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you 100%..What a joke these people are.And Communist News Network should go down with the Dumbassacrat party!Lie and get away with it and not called out by anyone!!
