

Monday, July 16, 2012


Once again we're witnessing the fact that there is nothing that the Party of Sleaze, aka the Democrat Party, is not willing to risk in their continuing endeavor to gain any manner of electoral victory. So as usual, the Democrats are insisting upon acting in what can only be described as a completely irresponsible manner in the attempt to score political points at a potentially very high cost for the rest of us. And in so doing, they are once again making increasingly explicit threats about their willingness to allow nearly $600 billion worth of tax hikes and spending cuts take effect in January unless Republicans drop all opposition to higher taxes for the nation’s wealthiest households. You know, the one's who already pay the most in taxes. This is how these pathetic scumbags define 'compromise'?

This dysfunctional assortment of power-hungry characters, that together form a rather unsavory affiliation referred to as the Democrat Party, is apparently feeling a bit emboldened by what's been described as supposed signs that GOP resistance to any new taxes may be weakening. So I guess sleazy, more senior, Democrats say they are fully prepared to weather another fiscal event that could plunge the nation back into recession if the new year arrives without what they call an 'acceptable compromise', having first taken place. Well now, that's mighty 'white' of them, don't ya think? They're willing to 'risk' plunging the country into another recession, although I would argue that it would be nothing more than continuing the same recession, and all for purely political reasons..

Patty Murray, No. 4 Senate DEMOCRAT, plans to make little speech in her attempt to make the clearest case yet for going over what some have called the "fiscal cliff." “If we can’t get a good deal, a balanced deal that calls on the wealthy to pay their fair share, then I will absolutely continue this debate into 2013,” Murray plans to say, according to excerpts of the speech provided to The Washington Post. Keep in mind that something considered as being a good deal by Democrat usually means that it's a bad deal for the rest of us and the country. Democrats never compromise they only attempt to intimidate. So her argument is, “If middle-class families start seeing more money coming out of their paychecks next year, are Republicans really going to stand up and fight for new tax cuts for the rich?

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has pretty much labeled what the Democrats’ are doing as exactly what it is, nothing more than just another “outrageous ultimatum.” He described the situation this way, “At a moment when the American people are reeling from the slowest recovery in modern times . . . and just five months away from the economic body blow that will result if tax rates spike, as scheduled, on January 1st, the president’s solution is to take more money away from the very business folks we are counting on to create the jobs that we need,” McConnell said in a speech Thursday on the Senate floor. “Naturally, Republicans oppose this. The way we see it, nobody should see an income tax hike right now.” And I agree. These days $250,000 is nowhere near what it used to be, thanks to Democrats.

Because of a 'deal' struck back in 2010, the Bush tax cuts, and dozens of other tax provisions, are set to expire in December, raising taxes for virtually every U.S. household next year. Meanwhile, during the debt-limit showdown last summer, lawmakers approved a plan to implement $110 billion in automatic spending cuts next year. A legislative “super committee” appointed to find an alternative deficit-reduction strategy disbanded without reaching agreement. “We were on the record saying we would agree to a conventionally scored tax increase if they would clear out the tax code, make it fairer, flatter and simpler and begin to take us off the road to bankruptcy on entitlements. And they weren’t willing to do it,” said Rep. Jeb Hensarling, REPUBLICAN. Hence, our looming 'fiscal cliff'.

With less than four months now to go until an election that, without a doubt, will be one of this nation's most pivotal in recent history, threatening to go over the fiscal cliff would seem to be a rather dicey political strategy to employ. Democrats acknowledge that there is a fine line between appearing to stand firm and appearing to take unnecessary risks with the economy. But as usual, the Democrats are willing to take whatever risks necessary to achieve victory. Privately, some Republicans compare it to the debt-limit fight, when congressional approval ratings plummeted after conservatives risked an economy-shattering default to force cuts in government spending. Democrats say this case is different. Unlike default, the effects of going over the cliff would be neither immediate nor permanent, aides said.

An analysis by Chad Stone, an economist at the left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, casts the cliff as more of a “slope,” with “only a fraction of the impact occur[ing] in the first month or so.” “This is not a Wile E. Coyote where you have the economy plummeting on Jan. 2,” Stone wrote. “You have some time to implement policy to address the weak economy in the short term and the deficit in the long term.”In a recent report titled “There Are Worse Fates than Walking off the Fiscal Cliff,” analysts with the Carlyle Group argued that the cliff “would be a near-term disaster” but that simply extending current tax and spending policies would fail “to address increasing indebtedness” and “could actually represent the worst long-run outcome.”

Given the stakes, some Republicans are rethinking their opposition to higher taxes. In recent days, RINO John 'The Maverick" McCain and other GOP defense hawks have been talking with Democrats about raising cash by “closing loopholes” to replace scheduled military cuts. “If you said ‘John McCain, are you for increasing taxes?’ the answer is still no,” McCain said, pointing to federal subsidies for ethanol as an example of a loophole that could be closed without “raising taxes.” But as should be expected Democrats have shown little interest in a deal, preferring, instead, to keep the spending cuts in place as an additional point of leverage for the post-election fight. So you see, for scumbag Democrats it's all about politics. To Hell with the country, Democrats care about nothing more than the election.

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