

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


It ought to go without saying that using the Aurora shooting to make hyperbolic political points is in very poor taste. But that didn't seem to stop the likes of Michael Bloomberg, any number of Hollywood morons and now that perennial leftwing curmudgeon, Bill Press. Press, has a history of taking cheap shots, especially if he thinks there is a opportunity to score what he sees as being some cheap points. His idiotic diatribes are usually directed at any number of conservative groups/individuals with whom he disagrees. So it really came as being no surprise when this left wing imbecile lobbed what was (even for him) an uncharacteristically sharp accusation at the National Rifle Association (NRA), all but outright accusing them of supporting murder by virtue of opposing gun control.

“After a hurricane, we talk about what kind of new levees we might build. After 911, we invented TSA. But after a mass murder, we’re not allowed to talk about gun control. Why? Because the NRA might not like it. Well, guess what? I don‘t give a damn about the NRA and I’m not afraid of them. By standing in the way of any sensible gun control, I think the NRA has blood on its hands. They ought to be called Murder Incorporated. How many more Columbines, how many more Virginia Techs, how many more Aurora, Colorados before we finally declare our independence from the NRA and stop worshipping the almighty gun?” Press snarled. “There’s no need for anybody outside the military to have an assault weapon.” This is what those on the left in this country have now become, raving lunatics!

Now, one could point out the problems with Press’ pointless drivel until the cows home. However, for now, the best response may be simply to quote from the Governor of Colorado, John Hickenlooper, who when asked about precisely the topic of gun control after the Aurora shootings, had this to say, "If there were no assault weapons available and no this or no that, this guy is going find something, right? He’s going to know how to create a bomb." Now, if even the Governor of the state, and a Democrat by the way, where this tragedy happened doesn’t think this idea is a good one, where does this clown Press get off making such a baseless, and more than a little reckless, accusation? Who knows, but as usual when discussing liberals, his comments clearly don’t bespeak a sober view of the evidence.

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