

Wednesday, July 25, 2012



With the Democrats having now successfully seized control of our healthcare, thanks in large part to John Roberts, which had been the number one item on their "Things To Do" list since FDR was president, they have now set their sights on our guns. And in so doing they are now proceeding to ramp up the rhetoric as they go about their attempt to check off number two, the seizing of our guns. A recent example of this little exercise in arrogance came on the House Floor Tuesday, when Hank Johnson, Democrat, said “It’s been open season” since the expiration of The Assault Weapons Ban in 2004. I'm sure that's the way this moron sees things, but, as usual, it's nothing more than a pure exaggeration of the facts.

This flaming imbecile, Johnson, went on to say, “We have work to do in this congress. You see, the assault weapons ban in place for a number of years, of ten years actually, expired in 2004 and after the expiration of the assault weapons ban it’s been open season.” This clown said that the had come to that awe inspiring conclusion after much reflection on last week’s terrible shooting that took place at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. Is there nothing that these pathetic Democrats will not stoop to? Apparently, they are willing to use any means possible, even the grief of those involved in this horrible tragedy, to get what they want. They're disgusting!

But this douche bag wasn't done, nope, not by a long shot. In demonstrating the level to which they now have their 'sights' on seizing our guns, he went on, “Now I know that there are people who hold the Second Amendment dear and it is established clearly in law that citizens have a right to bear arms, beyond that the Constitution is silent.” Johnson continued, “So, it leaves it up to us to address issues concerning the reasonable regulation of that right. Should we not have any regulations or should we have regulations that are reasonable?” Ok, but my question to this over-zealous kook, would be whose definition of ;reasonable' are we going to be using?

Now of course this bonehead Johnson did not go into detail, because to do so would most likely reveal a bit too much about what his party has in mind for the rest of us, on any specific gun laws but he did highlight his desire for new regulations. “There are some regulations governing the affairs of people that are reasonable and that includes restrictions on who can bear arms and what kind of arms they can bear. To say that we should have no regulations on weapons, particularly weapons of mass destruction, to me is unwise,” Johnson said. Weapons of mass destruction? Why is it that the only time Democrats feel comfortable in using such a term is when it involves our right to own a gun?

Ok, so now we have these Democrats talking about 'regulating' our God given rights? Excuse me! Just who the Hell do they think they are? Look folks, things are rapidly deteriorating all around us here, and I think it safe to say that the time has now officially passed for us to have drawn that proverbial line in the sand. We are now in the position of having to play catch up and MUST now take a stand if we are to have any hope prevent further losses. They are desperate to remove every last vestige of our individual liberties and our freedom. These despicable zealots view themselves as being entitled, because of their lofty position, to dictate to the rest of us on how we can live out our lives.

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