

Thursday, March 6, 2025


You know, sometimes you just have to laugh at these clowns, these pathetic losers, these…Democrats. I mean it’s gotten to the point where it’s now impossible to take them seriously. President Trump seems to have broken them completely, both individually and as a party. They have now been reduced to nothing more than a bunch of babbling crybabies. Take, for instance, Cory Booker, U.S. Senator, that same guy who fancies himself as the Spartacus of Congress but who is nothing more than a whiny, sniveling little bitch. And yes, it ‘would,’ in fact, all be pretty funny if it weren’t for the fact that it’s these same people who are our elected leaders.

And I say that because it was during an appearance this past Wednesday on MSDNC’s ‘All In,’ that Booker declared that President Trump lied blatantly in a mocking tone during his very recent speech to a joint session of Congress. Host Chris Hayes said, “You were in that room last night if I’m not mistaken. There was a very long section. We played a little bit, but I mean, that whole section on the fraud and Social Security went he did a long riff each age bracket reading out these numbers, you could hear the boos, which I think were coming from Democrats. What was your reaction in that moment to what was what you were hearing and what and what the goal was?"

Booker said, “Donald Trump has stopped stunning me. He doesn’t surprise me anymore. But this was a lie that they’ve been perpetrating for months has been debunked time and time again. That for him to bring it up in this speech, when most of the people in that room on both sides of the aisle knew that this was a blatant lie, and he did it in a mocking tone. This is a person who’s trying to carry out what we’ve seen in the past: people trying to privatize Social Security or end the program or point to it as the problem we have in government emblematic of the problem when, in reality, it is a vital program that Americans have been paying into their entire working life."

He added, “And so here’s the two-pronged strategy. One is this de-legitimization is to make it a mockery, is to tell lies over and over and over. Again until people start to believe that this is a broken program. And then at the same time, they are firing people that are essential to make the program work effectively and efficiently. And how do we know this? Because one of the first people they fired was. The inspector general who ran that report that you just used. To expose the lies of the person that’s in charge of keeping that institution accountable to the people and free of waste, fraud and abuse.” This is really the best that the Democrats can do?

Democrats only want to discuss problems that they themselves cause so that they can then tell people they can fix but only if voted into office. They cause a problem like a war and then tell us that we need to pump billions of dollars into it in order to stop it. After all, there’s a lot of money to be made on the stocks of those companies that manufacture war materials, things like guns, ammunition, rockets, bombs and so much more. Yup, start a war, and make some money while at the same time you screw the citizens that take the brunt of it and with countless thousands being maimed, or killed. You have to be a sick sonofabitch to do that to a country, any country.

Look, this guy Booker has always been a piece of shit politician. He’s a typical Democrat and has no direction. Social Security was raided by people like him for the money they needed for their pet projects. President Trump wants to stop this. Many of us who have been taxed for Social Security will never receive any money from it. And why is that, exactly?  Because people like Booker raided it, and Social Security was spread to everyone, legals, illegals, those who put in and those who didn’t, those who got it early because of being disabled. And the fraud and waste by the Social Security Administration to pay to those who were dead. It all adds up to a massive default.

The only liars here are delusional Democrats, like Booker, who are completely out of touch, and not just with the American people, but with reality in general. President Trump is always described as a liar and Democrats as being truthful, caring, pro-American citizen and pro-democracy. Democrats claim to know what President Trump would do, but don’t have a clue. Meanwhile Democrats would reduce and tax social security and let it go bankrupt. So we need to give power back to the Democrats because they ignore the fraud, waste, abuse and failure by Democrats because it’s all lies. Lies like Joey had no cognitive deficits and ‘BO’ wasn’t the real president.

This guy doesn’t even lie all that well. President Trump has made no move whatsoever to cut Social Security other than to remove the people from the roles that shouldn't be receiving it. Does Booker actually believe that there’s a 150-year-old man still alive and apparently still collecting his social security check. There probably shouldn’t be and apparently there are millions more who shouldn’t be receiving a check every month. And while considering myself fortunate to be able to collect something from Social Security, my daughter will likely not be so lucky and so I take big exception to that. She pays into it every single month, just so those like Booker can steal it.

Spartacus really does need to spare us all of his crap. He accuses President Trump of lying when this sanctimonious windbag, and those like him, quite literally wrote the book on the subject. It’s not lying to verify that a program is loaded with fraud or firing a person who is supposed to weed out the fraud and has blatantly allowed it to happen because there was something in it for him, or her. Again, MSDNC provides some nitwit with a platform to accuse President Trump of lying. All Democrats are doing is to disagree, object, and accuse. They seek to make sure that President Trump fails even if they know it is to the detriment of the nation. They just don’t care.

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