

Monday, March 3, 2025


I think it safe to say that we have arrived at a point where Democrats are officially in need of a rubber room. Clearly, they’re unable to deal with the fact that we now have a president who actually dares to act presidential. And what really pisses them off is the fact that that president is a Republican. But what has driven them totally over the edge is that Donald J. Trump is that president. And what also has their panties in a bunch is something that I’m sure most folks have heard about. That being that recent little get together in the Oval Office where President Trump pretty much bitch slapped that little wannabe dictator from Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky.

It was as recently as this past weekend that we saw another example of what has been the continuing of what has been a bizarre exercise in stupidity, on the part of the Democrats, where they continue to behave as if the November election never happened. You see it was this past Sunday during an appearance on CNN’s ‘State of the Union,’ that Chris Murphy, Democrat Senator, claimed that the White House under the second Trump administration has become an “arm of the Kremlin.” This guy is truly a one trick pony. It’s either “Russia, Russia, Russia,” or “Putin, Putin, Putin.” Clearly he needs to give it a rest until he’s better able to reconnect with reality.

Those of us able to deal with reality are able to recognize that all President Trump and his administration are doing is to refuse to bash either side so that they can get both sides to the negotiating table calmly. Zelensky simply won’t shut up about how evil Putin is. Even if that’s true, which it is, he needs to shut up if he truly wants peace!! Just as President Trump has clearly stated that over and over. President Trump is not on either side. He says nice things about Zelensky, and he says nice things about Putin. He’s stuck in the middle attempting to stop a war. If a Democrat was doing this, the ‘fake news’ media, and the entire Left, would be fawning all over them!!!

Host Dana Bash said, “Do you think there’s hope of salvaging this relationship with Ukraine?” Murphy said, “So it is absolutely shameful what is happening right now. The White House has become an arm of the Kremlin. Every single day you hear from the national security adviser, from the President of the United States, from his entire national security team, Kremlin talking points. For the last week, the White House has been pretending as if Ukraine started this war. That’s essentially saying that Poland invaded Germany at the beginning of World War II. There are still facts in this world and the fact is this Vladimir Putin is a brutal dictator."

He said, “Russia started this war, and the entire pretext for that meeting yesterday was an attempt to rewrite history in order to sign a deal with Putin that hands Putin Ukraine.” He added, “That is disastrous for U.S. national security. That means that China will be on the march. Putin may not stop. America may be at war with a nuclear power. And for what? It appears as if America is trying to align itself with dictators that Donald Trump wants us to have our closest relationships with despots all around the world because that makes it easier for him to transition America into a kleptocratic oligarchy where Musk and Trump steal from the American people."

It was painfully obvious from Zelensky’s approach in this last meeting that he was completely unaware that there is a new Sheriff in town. And I think it’s a fair to say that Democrats may have played a role in an effort to sabotage President Trump’s efforts to bring an end to war that would not have started had he been in office. Democrats have gotten so crazy that even dimwitted Democrat voters are finally beginning to wake up to their antics. The Democrats, courtesy of their decades of vicious lies, have managed to thoroughly destroy what credibility they may have once had. And the majority of the American people are now able to plainly see it.

Apparently, this boob Murphy and the rest of the boobs in his party, seem to have forgotten who it was that was in the White House for the last four years. And how it was that it took that long to screw things up so bad on every level that it was possible to screw up. And now they’re all bitching because President Trump hasn’t yet got everything fixed in just a little over a month. These Democrats are the enemy of the American people. Always slinking in the shadows fearful of the light. Their opinion is irrelevant. And when it comes to Ukraine the Democrats want this war to continue without a definitive end game along with an endless stream of our tax dollars.

President Trump is demonstrating what it means to be a leader. He’s proving that the Democrats only care about money and power while the Democrats constantly show their butts and to prove that they have no other strategy beyond “Orange Man Bad”. If the democrats had any brains, they would support at least some of the issues the president raises but they just don’t seem to have it in them. It truly is amazing how President Trump seems to have broken the Democrat Party. And it’s enjoyable to watch as they’re finally getting what they deserve. It is going to take a decade for the democrats to crawl out of this deep hole that they continue to dig for themselves.

Murphy takes the side of a corrupt foreign president over our own president who is simply trying to bring an end to another needless war. And in so doing he accuses President Trump of working for the Kremlin. We’ve heard this all before, it was a lie then just as it’s a lie now. These are the same people who had been using USAID to illegally funnel billions of taxpayer dollars in what was clearly a concerted effort to spread their twisted ideology of wokeism and corruption all over the world. President Trump is not the bad guy here, instead it’s the majority of those in the Democrat Party. You can see the fear in their eyes every time they’re one of these stupid shows.

It's in Murphy that we have another Democrat moron who would rather continue with Joey’s failed foreign policy and that which is the Democrat Party’s proxy war with Putin wasting both taxpayers’ money and thousands of lives. Even Ukrainian lawmakers lambasted Zelensky for engaging in “absolute idiocy” at the White House. Frankly, I’m not all that sure that Zelensky even wants peace. I mean, he shows up to the White House and insults our president and vice president, as well as the American people. Then not only does he not apologize but sees no need to. Cut off Ukraine. No money, no military aid, no intel, no nothing. The war would be over in short order.

The Democrats saw fit to install a corrupt old geezer in the White House and ran the country with a cabal of unnamed, unaccountable operatives for four years. Then, when their scheme was finally revealed, they chose an imbecilic, hard-core leftist replacement in his stead, totally sidestepping their voters. The only thing that President Trump can be said to be guilty of is restoring normalcy and revealing that same cabal that’s run the country into deeply into debt and the Democrats graft and bribes at the expense of American taxpayers. All they can do is whine and lie. And I firmly believe that they do themselves no favors by doing so.

This is the kind of destructive foolishness that Democrat propaganda produces. And because Zelensky believes all this garbage Ukraine may just have lost the only friend who could have helped them out of this war and to save their country. The European Union (EU) doesn't have the kind of money to throw at Ukraine and the only NATO partner with any real clout, equipment, and weapons is the U.S. Putin had his best day when Zelensky chose to go ballistic in the Oval Office. At least Putin is smart enough to know where the real power is, and it's not the EU. The only person in the world that Putin is genuinely worried about is Donald J. Trump.

This type of language is enemy of the state level. And it’s to be expected from those on the left, those who provide the most incendiary anti-American rhetoric. The whole purpose for Zelensky coming over here was to assist in the messaging, leftist helped to prepare him to create conflict and be did. Now let’s see if his people are foolish enough to keep him in power. Ukraine is not the responsibility of the U.S., nor should it be. We are stewards to western ideals but it would seem that Zelensky doesn’t seem to get it, nor does he care enough for his people to pursue an end to their unwinnable conflict. Let Europe go save them. Oh wait, they can’t or won’t.

Putin’s puppet, Putin’s puppet, yadda, yadda, yadda. That’s all we heard during President Trump’s first four years in office. If anyone was to be considered Putin’s bitch it would have been Joey B. Joey B., who allowed Putin to invade Ukraine in the first place. The Democrats have nothing to offer this country but the same old diatribe they’ve been spouting for 10 years. It’s clear that President Trump wants peace. He wants the killing to stop. Putin is less likely to do anything with American engineers on the ground working with miners to extract rare materials. But Zelensky, as do the Democrats, seems to want nothing more than a forever war!

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