I would think that we would all be able to agree that one does not need to be a genius to recognize the fact that today’s ‘fake news’ media has essentially reduced itself to being little more than a laughingstock. And the really funny thing is that they have no one to blame but themselves. Time and time again they’ve proven themselves to be nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. Those in our ‘fake news’ media have long been nothing more than willing accomplices in the ongoing Democrat effort to undermine our government on every level with the ultimate goal being, of course, the total destruction of our country.
Now, of
course, those involved in both the creation, and dissemination, of ‘fake news’
would likely disagree claiming, instead, that they are nothing more than bona
fide ‘journalists’ whose only interest is in keeping the American people informed
to the best of their ability. And they make that claim with a straight face.
But I’m afraid the vast majority of the American people simply aren’t buying
it. And it’s most Americans who seem to agree with President Trump, in that
these people are nothing more than a bunch of frauds who willfully, and
purposely, commit that which is nothing more than ‘journalistic malpractice.’
And they do so on a daily basis.
And it
was while sounding rather defiant that this past Friday, CNN host Jake Tapper was
heard to say, during the broadcast of “The Lead,” that there was “no truth” to
President Trump’s claims of illegality regarding the news network during his
speech at the Department of Justice (DOJ). Tapper said, “Let’s turn to our law
and justice lead in breaking news this afternoon, a norm shattering speech at
the U.S. Department of Justice. President Trump, who has long railed against
the politicization of the Justice Department, this afternoon came to the great
hall of the DOJ and delivered one of the most political speeches ever given
there by a U.S. president."
defending CNN is laughable. They have lied continuously. People are not
interested in propaganda. It was during his speech at the DOJ that President Trump
said, “The American people have given us a mandate and really a far reach, just
a far-reaching investigation is what they are demanding into the corruption of
our system. “I believe that CNN and MSDNC who literally write 97.6% bad about
me are political arms of the Democrat Party, and in my opinion, they’re really
corrupt and they’re illegal. What they do is illegal.” Tapper said, “Part of
the order also apparently includes prosecuting those in the news media who do
not cover him glowingly."
Tapper added,
“Today, in front of a room full of DOJ employees and prosecutors, the president
listed political opponents. We didn’t show you their names. And news media like
CNN, we did show you their names that are providing not glowing coverage of him
and suggested that we are committing crimes with no evidence and no truth to
what he’s saying. Based on his remarks, President Trump does not seem to be
opposed to the weaponization of the Justice Department. He seems to be
objecting to someone else wielding that weapon. Now he has it, and who knows
for whom he’s coming next.” I would argue that what’s good for the goose is
good for the gander.
I’ve yet to hear a lie or mistruth from President Trump when talking about how
the ‘fake news’ media networks are nothing more than a biased propaganda
machine. An example of CNN lying is that they repeatedly dismissed concerns
about Joey B’s cognitive decline as ‘conspiracy theories,’ ‘misinformation,’
and ‘cheap fakes,’ despite clear video evidence of his confusion in basic
situations. Even as voter doubts grew, CNN ‘reporters’ insisted Joey B. was
fine after meeting with him privately, ignoring what millions could see for
themselves. That was not honest reporting, it was an act of willful deception
to protect their preferred candidate.
Trump is merely putting the proverbial final nail in the coffin of those whose
only true function in life is keeping the American people informed regarding
what their government is up to. They’re not supposed to take sides, they’re
merely supposed to report on the events of the day. President Trump was doing
nothing more than to call out the obvious. He doesn’t have to come after them,
they’re already on life support from their own many self-inflicted wounds.
President Trump is right. President Trump has been right about everything. He has
been telling the truth about these people all along, ever since he first declared
his intent to run for president.
All President
Trump asks of those in the so-called ‘mainstream’ media is fair reporting.
Ninety percent negative is not fair reporting. And when they all regurgitate the
very same phrases and talking points, you know it’s the Democrat Party that is providing
the narrative and these supposed ‘journalists’ are simply repeating what they’ve
been given. And when Tapper makes this assertion, just who is it that he’s
trying to convince? Some 80 percent of the public knows what he’s asserting is
false, so who is he speaking to? Is he in such denial or does he still think
himself relevant? Either scenario makes him deranged or places his cognitive
abilities at question.
and CNN are clearly in the tank. These are publicly traded companies with a
board of directors, numerous stockholders and an executive committee. Where is
the voice of reason?? Either turn it into a legit news organization or simply pull
the plug on it. I mean, if you slapped the hypocrisy out of CNN there would
literally be nothing left. No one wants to watch any of these left-wing
activists anymore. ‘Journalism’ in this country died a long time ago, when
these supposed news networks became nothing more than a wholly owned subsidiary
of the Democrat Party. So, there’s been plenty enough time for most of America
to get to know who they really are.
And so,
the “news” source that pushed the RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! hoax for four years
now calling foul for being called out. This is what snakes like Tapper do. Has
CNN done anything illegal? Probably nothing that could be proven. So, is that
technically true? I guess. As a principled free speech absolutist, do I want
them to go to jail? No, not if I'm being consistent. But it completely ignores
any context. A human being can only take so much lying, slander, and unethical
behavior. They’ve lied so often and so vehemently for so long that, regardless
of legality, it’s hard not to want to see them in jail. Tapper should know
better than try to defend the indefensible.
There is
no law against destroying the country, but they’ve played a very large role in
doing so. That's not ‘illegal,’ but it is abhorrent and sickening. So, while
Tapper dances around with some defense of legal technicality, that doesn’t mean
he isn't a complete piece of crap who should rot in hell. Calling for real
justice is something the Democrats label as political persecution because of
the guilt they carry for their crimes. Where do these guilt feelings come from,
from the heart? All of these ‘fake news’ outlets routinely accuse President Trump
of crimes without presenting any evidence and usually without even saying what
the crime supposedly is.
issue here is there should be an ability to prosecute any ‘news’ organization guilty
of willfully telling what are nothing more than blatant lies. CNN, and others,
are proven liars, so the day of reckoning is long overdue. Leftwing
billionaires have spent tens of billions of dollars to outright purchase media.
All in an effort to create a media environment that is dominated by Democrat
propaganda 24/7 and for the purpose of promoting the Democrat Party, policies
and its candidates all while attacking and defaming the opposition. They can’t
seem to do a single story where the premise is not somehow pro Democrat or
It’s too
bad that these talking heads are not more like Pinocchio. It would be so
amusing to see their noses grow and their heads fall forward due to the
increased weight. If telling blatant lies in order to influence an election isn’t
illegal, it should be! We won't forget Russia, Russia Russia, or Hunter's
laptop was Russia. That's why their ratings are tanking. As I said, there
should be an ability to prosecute any ‘news’ organization for telling blatant
lies or allowing themselves to be used as a platform from which claims can be
made with no offer of proof being required. CNN and others are now proven liars
in many instances so it’s no wonder fewer people are watching.
Occasionally, just to find
out what the other side might be talking about, I’ll put on CNN or MSDNC on. And
honestly, it doesn’t even matter which host is on at the time, because they all
say the very same thing. It’s no wonder that the people who regularly watch these
channels are totally unaware of what’s actually going on. But I can’t watch
more than a couple of minutes because it’s so depressing and full of outright
lies. I guess they get away with all the BS because it’s ‘opinion,’ but they
push this garbage as news. You'd think they’d get the hint when their
viewership drops off, but they must be still getting money from somewhere since
they’re not going away.
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