

Friday, March 7, 2025


Oddly enough, it’s those in the ‘fake news’ biz who continue with their rather bizarre trend of seeking out long-forgotten Democrats whose opinions no longer matter. Individuals who were able to look at the childish and juvenile behavior of Democrats during President Trump’s ‘State of the Union’ address and still, with a straight face, boldly declare that it’s President Trump who continues to pose the greatest threat to the survival of our country. The panic from those on the left has become absolutely palpable. And it’s one of those individuals who is none other than failed presidential candidate and former Democratic National Committee chairman, Howard Dean.

I’m sure everyone remembers him quite fondly. And it was this past Thursday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “The Beat,” that our esteemed Mr. Dean claimed that President Trump’s policies were going to “incite revolution.” Dean is yet another political has-been dragged out to cry and complain about all the bad things that happen to Democrat losers. President Trump is doing the will of the people, the people voted for him to do this. He’s simply keeping his promises. So, how’s that inciting a revolution? Talk about piss and wind from the land of utter irrelevance. No one has cared what this guy has had to say for more than two decades.

And when asked about tariffs, Dean said, “You know this applies not just to red states like Kentucky. We’re getting hurt badly in Vermont because we’re right next to Canada, and there are a whole lot of Canadians who own houses here, but they’re not coming to ski. We’ve got the biggest snowfall we’ve had in years and years, and Canadians aren’t coming. That’s an important part of our business. So, it hurts everybody. The Canadians are mad. I would be mad, too, if some person told me that they were going to annex my country. This is ridiculous. It’s just ridiculous and it’s unnecessary.” And when did President Trump say he was going to annex Canada?

And in discussing a veteran who lost his job, Dean said, “Trump doesn’t give a damn about him all he cares about is tax cuts for his billionaire friends and himself. And now we’re seeing exactly the result of that. He’s throwing the working-class people under the bus, throwing veterans under the bus, which is insane. Almost two thirds of them voted for him and he doesn’t care. All he wants is his tax cuts as his legacy as a gazillionaire and respect from all the Silicon Valley bros. This country is being turned upside down and Donald Trump is the revolutionary who’s going to incite revolution if he doesn’t stop this crap.” What crap? Putting ‘America First?'

Fearmongering seems to be an ongoing Democrat ploy; empty threats are all they seem to have in the face of the exposure regarding the extent of their corruption and ineptitude. The problem is that they’re all empty threats, that is until some brainwashed leftist decides to take act on them. Then those threats are no longer empty, and it becomes a problem for the rest of us. In Dean we have a member of the party that bulldozed the entire convention and nomination process so they could jam Cumala and Tampon Tim onto the ballot in a backroom power play reminiscent of some Third World dictatorship, with plans to run the country the same way.

Sounds like Dean, another great Democrat defender of ‘our sacred democracy,’ is trying to incite a violent insurrection to overturn yet another legal and valid presidential election. And I believe the last time I checked, it was the Democrats who were talking about fighting in the streets, bringing actual weapons to fight Elon Musk and Leftists carrying out attacks against Telsa dealerships and charging stations. Dean is a psycho, hence the reason why he’s left with having to appear on MSDNC. Personally, I thank God every day for President Trump because if Cumala had been elected our country would have been allowed to continue its slide into ruin.

And so, we have another thinly veiled Democrat threat of violence because President Trump won fair and square and separated them from the power they so desperately crave. Laugh at them, it’s all they deserve. Actually, the revolution of which he speaks will come if President Trump isn’t allowed to carry out the mandate of the people who elected him. I feel sorry for the few good people who are losing their jobs, but most of them are leftist bureaucrats who are just angry they can’t keep spreading their agenda around the world or, in the case of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), they can’t continue to shove their climate scam down our throats!

So apparently Dean has no issue with allowing the Canadians to bend us over the proverbial tariff table and breaking it off in us only for us to turn the other cheek? Well, I’m not. As far as I’m concerned, the time has come to grab Canada by the shoulders from behind and show them how it feels!!! He’s worried about Canadians not coming to Vermont to ski. Penny wise and pound foolish. Canadians aren’t coming because their economy is in shambles and has been for years. They have a housing crisis; prices are so high new people can’t come into the market and old owners can’t sell. I’ve met a few Canadians in my life and I’ve always found them to be rather rude.

Dean the psychopath. So just what crap is President Trump doing, Howie? Cutting waste and personnel deadwood from a self-serving government? Exporting millions who are here illegally and have no legal right to be here? Democrats are against ending wars, against tax cuts, against a controlled border, against cutting federal waste, against America first agenda, against the parents whose family members murdered raped by illegal aliens, keeping males out of female restrooms and sports and just about anything else that makes sense and what the majority of American support. Democrats are an anti-American, and soulless bunch of human beings.

Yet more proof that Democrats are still reading out of the same moldy playbook that should have been tossed thirty years ago. Democrats are reprobates. They lie, lie and lie some more. Democrats will destroy this country if given power. Much of their spending is evil. Much of their morality is evil. There are no good Democrats, period. The party should be declared a terrorist organization and every member arrested. Dean, like all Democrats, knows that the cuts that President Trump is making are taking money from leftist programs here at home and around the world. Democrats continue with accusations without any rational argument or logic to back them up.

These Leftists always telegraph what they really want. Which is chaos, destruction and a host of other communist, utopian horrors. They openly hate America and want it to become one giant ghetto that they can then rule over. The Democrats are scared their gravy train may be coming to a screeching halt. Come to think of it, we do need a revolution in this country, one that focuses upon the auditing of the entire government, stopping all manner of waste and fraud and making sure men are men and women are women? And really, when was the last time any Democrat was worried about our veterans? We know President Trump does! Dean is spouting propaganda.

And what money is that this imbecile thinks that we should keep spending? The transgender mouse experiments? Money for LGBTQ sensitivity training in Afghanistan? Oh, I know, more donations to Stacy Abrams ‘climate change’ group. Stop stealing from us, the revolution is here. We’re going to take our government back and once more make it one that’s of, by and for the people, and without a shot being fired. Dean claims President Trump is giving tax cuts to “all his billionaire friends.” No, he's not. Actually, he’s taking away the Democrat’s ability to spend taxpayers’ money on their frivolous pet projects and enriching their personal bank accounts.

Clearly, Dean hasn't gotten neither smarter nor more honest over time. Vermont has passed a massive tax on all heating fuels, except wood. It will result in thousands of dollars more per year to heat homes and, as all costs and taxes do, it will hit the poor hardest. The supermajority legislature overrode the governor’s veto. This is just one example of how the Democrats manifest their deep concern and caring for average citizens. The lefty goal is, and always has been, total control of absolutely everything. Remember, whatever they accuse their opponents of doing is exactly what they themselves are planning. So, Howie, just crawl back into your hole and stay there.

And finally, the MAGA movement, is a populist movement. It is a counter revolution, the obvious purpose of which is to restore common sense and normalcy. A Marxist revolution was started by ‘BO,’ aided and abetted by Joey, courtesy of those pulling his strings, and supported by all the America haters on the left, including Dean. They incite all manner of violence and hatred against all those who dare to disagree and who have had enough of the leftwing nonsense recognizing the monumental train wreck that awaits and will most definitely come if we don’t stop it. The counter revolution hasn’t yet become violent, but the left hopes that it will.

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