And so it’s a parade of losers, hacks and has-beens that continues in the ongoing effort to portray President Trump as being a complete failure for not yet having resolved, in 36 days, many of the issues left to him his Democrat predecessor who spent four years thoroughly fucking them up. As well, they seem to think that President Trump owes Zelensky, to have the U.S. continue to both finance and to supply his continuing war with Russia. These people continue be under the misguided notion that they still have some say in how President Trump chooses to address the truly important issues, both foreign and domestic. They could not be more wrong.
And it was very recently that one of those
aforementioned has-beens, Chris Matthews, who is apparently under the
impression that there are actually those who are interested in hearing his
thoughts regarding our new president as well as those in his administration.
You see, it was this past Friday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Morning Joe,”
that the long-time MSDNC personality, and resident sexual predator, Mr. ‘Thrill
Up My Leg’ Matthews, likened President Trump to 20th-century Italian fascist
dictator Benito Mussolini. He said, “He’s doing all this on television. If you
have noticed, he calls the TV cameras for the cabinet meetings he’s doing."
He went on to say, “He’s redirecting his cabinet
officials, redirecting Musk. I’ve watched this guy use television like nobody’s
ever done. When he went up the other night on Tuesday night, talked to the
American people and said, ‘We’re paying Social Security checks to people who
are 160 years old.’ Anybody who reads an obit page knows that’s not true.
Anybody knows we’re not spending money on 20 million people out there getting
free checks. That kind of fraudulence is unbelievable. But he’s telling the MAGA
people out there, They’re stealing your money. Don’t trust these people in
Washington. These are bad people. They are the deep state. He did it."
And he said, “You know, he talked about the election
being stolen. Nobody in America will tell you which states were stolen from
him. All the MAGA people—get them in a corner and say tell me which states were
stolen in 2020.’ They can’t tell you. He just told them that. He just said they
were stolen.” He added, “With Zelensky on television, he said it was ‘great
television.’ I’ll never forget that. It was great television where he beat up
this guy on television. He and JD Vance — and they just did it in public. So,
we all know what Donald Trump thinks of Zelensky. He’s teaching us. He’s
teaching us don’t trust Social Security, so he can go after it."
He said, “Don’t trust Ukraine because he’s going to
go after Ukraine and diminish that country and its size and its importance. All
because this is what Trump thinks and that’s what it’s about. It is Mussolini.
It’s about believing the leader in what he says verbatim. And that’s what Trump
does on television. And he’s using us to do it using the medium.” So, I’m
guessing the Democrats must now consider Hitler as being so last year so apparently,
it’s now hip to refer to President Trump as Mussolini. Those on the left just can’t
seem to help themselves. They just keep digging that hole deeper and deeper. And
that’s fine with me, let them keep on digging.
At this point all we need to do is to simply stand
back and stay out of their way and watch as they implode and explode. President
Trump has made them so crazy that they’ve convinced themselves that the best
way to win elections is by attacking the majority of voters. Actually, the
Democrats had a better chance with the old fashion pallet fraud and counting
the votes from illegal border crossers. In fact, if trends continue the illegal
border crossers gambit may be the last ‘great’ idea the dying Democrat Party
ever tried to force onto the American people. One of the major political
parties in America is in deep trouble and they have zero answers.
Again, as I and many others have said before, and something
most Americans have come to understand, it’s everything, and I do mean
absolutely everything, that the Democrats accuse their opposition of being actively
engaged in that are exactly those things that they themselves are engaged in. It’s
a constant ‘projection’ offensive. Remember when they said Republicans were
supposedly waging “war on women” while it was, and continues to be, the Democrats
who have made it quite clear which party it is that’s at war with women. And let’s
not forget which party it is that has the only confirmed kill in that war at
the hands of Teddy Kennedy. And he walked.
We continue to hear from Democrats, “If we could
just jail Trump, get rid of MAGA, end the criminal investigations against us,
get rid of the Electoral College, end the filibuster, eliminate ‘spoiler’ and
unwanted third party candidates, add states to stack representation in
Congress, stack the Supreme Court, ban voter ID, and censor free speech, we
could actually save our democracy!” Here’s a little tip to Democrats, when you
start at the top of the list with name calling, and no reasonable person buys
it, you have nowhere to go but down. But they persist in the politics of
personal destruction. All they say is that we should vote for them because they’re
not Trump.
President Trump has talking heads like Matthews
exposing themselves and how crazy they really are and how successfully they’ve
been hiding their true identity for decades. Oddly enough, Matthews got fired
from the same network that now drags him back for his idiotic opinions. Apparently,
he would prefer Joey back? The same guy who abandoned our troops and equipment
in Afghanistan, gave us the highest inflation in 40 years and threw open our
southern border? We tried your way, Matthews, they didn’t work. Now Matthews
and his ‘fake news’ colleagues, along with every Democrat, accuse President
Trump of not making good on his promises to fix everything.
Matthews is an absolute moron. If he knew anything
about Mussolini and fascism, he would realize that what President Trump is
doing is the exact opposite of fascism. Cutting government and government
regulations is NOT fascism. All we hear are more gratuitous Communist/Democrat accusations.
When are any of these people ever going to start backing up their endless accusations
with some actual proof, or at least an explanation of how one is in any way like
the other. Likely never. Those in our ‘fake news’ media act as nothing more
than an echo chamber for their masters in the Democrat Party. One can no more believe
them than one can believe any Democrat.
No surprises here. A fired moron suffering from
Stage 4 ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ who experienced chills running up his leg
from his Marxist patron saint, giving his “expert” opinion on fascism to a
lying Democrat apparatchik, on a crashing propaganda network. Seems to me that
the real fascists are the ones guilty of stealing elections, who tried in vain
to overthrow, and jail, a duly elected president, who eliminated free speech,
persecuted political enemies, weaponized numerous government agencies,
plundered the Treasury by paying off their numerous NGO cronies, and who jailed
thousands of American citizens for trespassing.
These never-ending efforts to paint us on the right
as being Nazis runs contrary not only to common sense but to history as well.
It’s the Democrats, along with their many minions in the ‘fake news’ media like
Matthews, who are always pushing for bigger, more powerful and more intrusive government
which is the very essence of fascism, and its near relatives of Communism and Socialism.
Ironic too is the fact that Matthews is saying that President Trump is lying to
his followers while it’s Matthew who does nothing but lie. And we’re beyond fed up. The corruption, the
grift, the thievery, the Lawfare and the attempts to silence President Trump.
President Trump is playing
for keeps. It’s not about getting re-elected, or doing fundraising, or anything
like that. He truly believes that God spared him from that bullet to help
deliver to the American people from the madness that has gripped us. I’ve never
imagined that there would be so many people who would actually hate those
people who are working to expose the billions of dollars in fraud and waste and
are revealing the depth of corruption that we all knew was there, but were
unaware of just how deep it went. This kind of blows my mind. Can you possibly
imagine where we would be had Cumala won the election? We would still be
operating in the blind.
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