

Monday, July 18, 2011


Well apparently it's now been made official, the only plan for raising the debt limit that is currently seen as being anywhere near acceptable to Barry "Almighty" would be something that focuses primarily on the raising of revenues, or in layman's terms, taxes. Because the White House has now issued a rather stern warning to go along with Barry's threat about not mailing checks out to seniors. The gauntlet has now been thrown down with the statement now being issued that Barry will veto GOP legislation to “Cut, Cap and Balance” spending and the budget. In a rather terse statement of administration policy, the White House Office of Management and Budget labeled the GOP bill as an “empty political statement.” Now that's the pot calling the kettle BLACK. Sticking to his mantra of taxing the millionaires and billionaires, Barry still has not adequately explained how doing that every thing will raise anywhere near the amount of "new revenue" that's needed.

The House Rules Committee is expected to take up the "Cut, Cap and Balance" measure today, and it is likely to receive a floor vote on tomorrow, Tuesday. The measure would cut spending in Fiscal Year 2012 by $111 billion, cap future spending at 19.9 percent of gross domestic product and would allow for the debt ceiling to be increased if a balanced budget amendment is approved by Congress and sent to the states. In what can only be called a very typically arrogant response, the administration said the measure, which is not expected to move through the Senate, is unnecessary and unrealistic. Actually what's truly unrealistic is this out of control spending that currently underway. Unrealistic and completely unsustainable. The amount of money that we are blowing through, actually that Barry and the Democrat are blowing through, on a daily basis, Hell, on an hourly basis, is absolutely mind-blowing.

“Neither setting arbitrary spending levels nor amending the Constitution is necessary to restore fiscal responsibility,” the White House said in its statement. “Increasing the federal debt limit, which is needed to avoid a federal government default on its obligations and a severe blow to the economy, should not be conditioned on taking these actions. Instead of pursuing an empty political statement and unrealistic policy goals, it is necessary to move beyond politics as usual and find bipartisan common ground.” Barry talking about being bipartisan and politics as usual, that's almost funny. What I find as being just a tad bit ironic is the fact that just about every policy that the current administration has put into place has been designed specifically to deal a severe blow to the economy. In looking back over the last two and a half years what can be looked at as being something that was designed to strengthen our economy? Nothing! That should provide you with a big clue as to what the real goal is here.

Republicans are rallying around the measure as being their answer to the debt talks as negotiations between the administration and congressional leaders remain stalled. Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said he was disappointed at Barry's veto threat and that the House vote would go forward Tuesday as scheduled. "It’s disappointing the White House would reject this common-sense plan to rein in the debt and deficits that are hurting job creation in America," Boehner said in a statement. While American families have to set priorities and balance their books, this White House obviously isn’t serious about making the same tough choices. Look, this president is very comfortable making threats and he has no intention to rein in neither our growing debt or mounting deficits. They are part of his master plan to radically "transform" this country. His desire to preside over the remaking of this country into something that would much more closely resemble Europe.

"This unfortunate veto threat should make clear that the issue is not congressional inaction, but rather the president’s unwillingness to cut spending and restrain the future growth of our government. If we are going to raise the debt limit and avoid default, the White House must be willing to demonstrate more courage than we have seen to date," Boehner said. But as we have seen for quite some time now Barry and his White House team are very short on courage and long on simplistic, albeit incendiary, rhetoric. Our weak-kneed Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) has offered a proposal that would grant responsibility to Barry for raising the debt ceiling, but it is unpopular with House conservatives. McConnell is just trying to do nothing more than to take the lazy, more politically expedient way out of this mess, and he's trying to do nothing more than dodge the bullet. If he is unwilling to make the hard choices may the time has come for him to step down.

It should come as no big surprise to anyone whose paying even the least amount of attention that the administration would come out swinging as it lambasted the "Cut, Cap and Balance" proposal as setting out “a false and unacceptable choice between the federal government defaulting on its obligations now or, alternatively, passing a Balanced Budget Amendment that, in the years ahead, will likely leave the nation unable to meet its core commitment of ensuring dignity in retirement.” The White House also blasted some of the cuts Republicans have suggested, saying the proposal would “undercut the federal government’s ability to meet its core commitments to seniors, middle-class families and the most vulnerable, while reducing our ability to invest in our future. Is that what we're doing, investing in our future? Actually I think a more accurate description here is that we are robbing from our future and the futures of our children.

“[The bill] would set unrealistic spending caps that could result in significant cuts to education, research and development and other programs critical to growing our economy and winning the future,” or so says the White House statement. “It could also lead to severe cuts in Medicare and Social Security, which are growing to accommodate the retirement of the baby boomers, and put at risk the retirement security for tens of millions of Americans.” Well, that sure is a whole lot of nothin. These people have raised the talking out of both sides of your mouth to a freakin art form. Who are they really trying to kid, exactly, because of Obamacare there already has been "severe," even massive, cuts to Medicare. And what do they care about "the retirement security" for those tens of millions of Americans, unless of course they're planning to confiscate it at some point in the future. The sheer level of hypocrisy here is nothing short of amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great read here, Dan. Hope it is getting a lot of traffic, even if there aren't many comments. Kudos again.
