

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Once again the esteemed Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas), everyone’s favorite paranoid lunatic, has provided to us, yet again, with proof positive that she is both a moron, to the extreme, and a bigot. And in so doing, she also proves the point beyond the shadow of any doubt that, well folks, you just can’t fix stupid. By once again in doing what she does best, and seems to derive a certain amount of sick pleasure from, she has once again very enthusiastically thrown down the proverbial race card. By her doing so, this imbecile from Texas, of all places, very clearly demonstrates who it is that are the true racists in today’s America. And that, my friends, would be the numerous loudmouthed blacks like our Ms. Jackson-Lee! She attempts to draw attention away from the damage being done to this country by the policies of Barry “Almighty” by creating some illusion that it is racism that can be seen as being the primary motive for the ongoing debt ceiling fight. To Ms. Jackson-Lee this fight is based solely on the fact that poor little Barry is black. She makes the claim that since most of those mean old Republicans who are now trying to prevent Barry from doing even more damage, are white, therefore the only possible conclusion that can be arrived at is that their motive here must be a racist one. Therefore, Ms. Jackson-Lee believes the disagreement over raising the debt ceiling is all because Barry is a black man.

"I am particularly sensitive to the fact that only this president, only this president, only this one has received the kind of attacks and disagreements and inability to work. Only this one," Jackson-Lee said on the House floor earlier this week. I guess this stupid racist bitch doesn’t remember all of the hateful insults and the endless demeaning accusations that were hurled at George W. Bush or, going back even further, even Ronald Reagan, for that matter, from Democrats, throughout both of their tenures as president. Slanderous accusations that continued even long after they had left office. Basing her claim of where she sees a racist hiding behind every attempt to get our country back on some semblance of a even keel, fiscally, she says that all we really need to do is to, "Read between the lines" to see that it’s all about Barry’s race. She went on to say, "What is different about this president that should put him in a position that he should not receive the same kind of respectful treatment of when it is necessary to raise the debt limit in order to pay our bills, something required by both statute and the 14th amendment?" Respectful treatment? Why is that we must always make sure to be respectful of a president when he’s a Democrat, especially a black Democrat, but never when he, or she, is a Republican?

Like that other insecure black female in the House, Rep. Marcia Fudge, from Ohio, who was also recently in the news trying her best to stir things up and who was busy going around ranting about how racist Republican governors, who want nothing more than to have people identify themselves prior to be able to vote, are somehow being racist. Ms. Fudge claims that the sole intent behind such policies, which is really nothing more than an attempt to reduce that old Democrat favorite of voter fraud, is that such policies are actually designed with a much more sinister purpose in mind. And according to Ms. Fudge that purpose is to prevent the poor, minorities, seniors and students from being able to vote. The fact that these very obviously ignorant black women have managed to get themselves elected is scary in itself. But with them now both coming out during the same week and apparently with the same twisted agenda of stirring up a little racial hate and discontent, I think that we might be beginning to see a nasty little trend developing here. I think what we may be seeing the beginning of what may prove to be one of the primary tactics of choice to be energetically employed by Democrats between now and November 2012. Let’s face it, the IQ of these two racist opportunists, when added together, wouldn’t add up to equal either of their shoe sizes. What is it about people like these two miscreants where everything is always reduced to being only about race? The only place where racism is alive and well is in the warped minds of hypocritical Democrats who use it political weapon when it is perpetrated by the likes of such obvious bigots like Ms. Jackson-Lee and Ms. Fudge.

Some how, whether it be through some serious mental disorder, the lacking of any significant intelligence whatsoever, or through they’re being simply patently dishonest, Democrats seem to think that this is a winning strategy for them. Accuse anyone which dares to challenge Barry or any of the freedom killing policies that he has been able to put into place, as basing their complaints in the fact that they are the equivalent to card carrying members of the Ku Klux Klan. Well, while that tactic may prove to meet with some success in the black community, that would more than likely be because of the susceptibility that those people have to believe essentially anything that Democrats tell them. That’s much more likely to be the case than them admitting the fact that none of the accusations of racism that are being made have absolutely any basis in fact. I just don’t seeing it as playing all that well out in the real world. You know, where people actually work and pay taxes, not where they simply behave as parasites living off the rest of us. And while I think the weak minded may buy it, I think that those of us who base our opinions on what we see as all being a part of Barry’s determination to “transform” America, and not on the color of his skin, will see this tactic for exactly what it is. Pure politics of the most insidious kind.

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