

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Spewing even more imbecilic and patently false rhetoric about what this bill is, the sow of the Senate, Senator Barbara “Miss Piggy” Mikulski (D-Md.) has come and called the House Republicans’ "Cut, Cap and Balance" legislation "stupid," a "scam" and "cruel," alleging that it "could very well kill the future" of America. Continuing her psychotic rant, she went on, "What a sham. What a scam. I’d be tempted to just blow it off if it were not so cruel, stupid and dangerous. It’s cruel because it invents new rules of how we’re going to calculate social security, what we’re going to do to Medicare," she told reporters, alongside Senators Little “Chuckie” Schumer (D-N.Y.), Barbara “Bimbo” Boxer (D-Calif.) and Tom “ The Tea Party is a Cult fringe” Harkin (D-Iowa) at the Capitol on Wednesday. Talk about the "Three Stooges." The collective brain power of this little cadre of simpletons couldn't light up a 5 watt bulb.

"It’s stupid because it doesn’t solve our problems and it’s dangerous because it could bring our economy down. It does ‘Cut, Cap and Kill’ Medicare but it could very well kill the future of our country. What are the plain facts? It cuts spending to 1965 levels – that was 46 years ago – 46 years ago when making $8,000 a year was considered a fantastic salary. Would you want to go back and make $8,000 a year? I don’t think so." Well let's look at anything Ms. Mikulski and her party have come up with. Oh, that's right that would be nothin, a big fat zero. Therefore the Republican bill beats anything these losers, including Ms. Mikulski, have come up with by default. And just how much farther down does she think this legislation can take this country than Barry has already brought it? All these pathetic loudmouth can do is bitch and complain about what the Republicans have offered up as being a solution to the problem created by Ms. Mikulski and her party of economic saboteurs.

The “Cut, Cap and Balance Act of 2011” would prevent the House or Senate from considering any "bill, joint resolution, amendment, or conference report that would cause the most recently reported current GDP outlay limits set forth in section 319 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to be exceeded."

The outlay limits, according to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) are as follows: 21.7 percent for fiscal year 2013;

20.8 percent for fiscal year 2014;
20.2 percent for fiscal year 2015;
20.1 percent for fiscal year 2016;
19.9 percent for fiscal year 2017;
19.7 percent for fiscal year 2018;
19.9 percent for fiscal year 2019;
19.9 percent for fiscal year 2020; and
19.9 percent for fiscal year 2021.

The bill would also allow a vote on a constitutional amendment requiring Congress to pass a balanced budget each fiscal year, meaning the amount of funds Congress appropriates would have to match the amount of revenue the government collects. If all of this sophomoric behavior on the part of Ms. Mikulski and her Democrat comrades shows anything, it should very clearly demonstrate to the American people that there is a complete lack of seriousness regarding the very serious fiscal problem that this country is currently facing on the part of the Democrat Party. These people are a joke, and they deserve to be treated as such. And I'd like to ask Ms. Mikulski, is there really anything out there that could better kill America than anything that Barry "Almighty" is already doing to kill it? 

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