

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Apparently not wanting to be left out of the conversation, and with all the brainpower of your less than average ice cube, Senator Babs Boxer, Democrat and left wing loon from California, felt compelled to provide her brilliant insight regarding the ongoing debt ceiling discussions. In so doing, she perpetuated the standard line of Democrat rhetoric/talking points in her criticizing Republicans for using the term 'job creators', calling their rhetoric “so much bull.” “Why do they cut and cap our hopes and dreams? To protect tax breaks for the millionaires and the billionaires. It’s quite obvious. They call them – what do they call them? The job creators,” she told a news conference at the Capitol on this past Wednesday, referring to the “Cut, Cap and Balance” bill that passed the House but was rejected in the Senate as what “Dingy” Harry referred to, as being the worst piece of legislation in history. No, “Dingy,” actually that would be “Obamacare.” Actually, who it is that has been busier than anyone else over the course of the last 2+ years, in going about the killing of the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans? Who is it that, through his socialist policies, has created an environment where 2.4 million jobs have been lost since he assumed office? The answer to that question, my friends? None other than Barack Hussein Obama!

“They say, ‘don’t tax the job creators.’” Never the least bit shy about resorting to the telling of telling a few lies here and there if the need arises, like all Democrats, Babs says she has officially checked it all out and is now here to tell us the whole truth and nothin but the truth. She claims, “the fact is if you look at the biggest job creation motor in this country, small business, only 1.4 percent of them earn more than 450,000 – 3 percent of them earn more than 250,000 so that’s just so much bull. Let’s put that baby to rest. When Jon Stewart, the comedian starts making fun of you for constantly saying job creators is they don’t know how to say the words millionaires and billionaires so they came up with this slogan which is false on its face.” I’d say anything that this moron Stewart sees as being necessary to be made fun of, just might be something that he’s trying convince people is totally unworthy of their consideration and should be ignored. Because besides it being the truth, it is something that just might help Republicans. I think that most people with absolutely any amount of intelligence can very plainly see that without his staff of writers standing behind him, Stewart is essentially just another dim bulb, not some brilliant mind that many claim. But hey, birds of a feather flock together, as they say.

So in her ridiculous rant Boxer, being completely unable to come up with anything that can even remotely be called an original thought on the subject, could do no better that to refer to comments that she heard Stewart make on, what I guess was, last Monday’s edition of his idiotic television show, “The Daily Show.” You have to wonder though, what does it say about the intelligence of a U.S. Senator who can do no better than to parrot what is being said by some moron standup comedian, even one who takes great pride in his being lauded as some brilliant political satirist or pundit, a supposed modern day Will Rogers? “Republicans are no longer allowed to say that people are rich. You have to refer to them as job creator. You can’t even use the word rich. You have to say, this chocolate cake is so moist and job creator,” is what Stewart said on his stupid little inconsequential program. It’s not funny and it’s not true. And it reveals a certain recklessness on Stewart’s part that he would so blatantly misrepresent the truth while he does nothing more than go in search of a laugh. He adds nothing of benefit to the discussion, he seeks only to distract from the seriousness of the situation by making fun of those who have the “only” viable plan for getting us out of the mess that his people got us into. These people are really quite pathetic.

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