

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Whenever the Barry “Almighty” administration chooses a Friday before a long weekend to release some report or some clandestine presidential decree that has been undertaken by Barry, you can pretty well guarantee that the sole intention for doing to is to avoid drawing any unnecessary attention to whatever it is that the report reveals, or how the action taken further undermines the freedoms which we all hold dear. And sure enough, that’s was exactly the rationale behind Barry’s recent decision to release what's called the “Seventh Quarterly Report” on the economic impact of the “stimulus,” which was released on Friday, July 1 as it is something that Barry would very much like to keep hidden well below the radar of the American people. The reason for doing so, which should be obvious to pretty much anyone who didn't buy into all of the “hope and change” nonsense, was because this very same report provides further damning evidence that Barry “Almighty’s” economic “stimulus” wasn't quite all that it was cracked up to be. The reports show pretty clearly that the "stimulus" did very little, if anything, to actually "stimulate" the economy. What it did do, however, and very successfully, was to create a budget deficit the likes of which we have never before witnessed in this country, and which in turn resulted in nothing more than to "stimulate" a massive amount of debt. It is such a staggering amount of debt that future generations, even those yet to be born, will be working to pay off long after the rest of us are gone.

The report was put together by a group referred to as the White House’s Council of Economic Advisors. The group consists of three Barry stooges or, I'm sure as they most likely would refer to themselves, economists who, by the way, were all handpicked by Barry himself, and the report chronicles the “alleged” success of the “stimulus” in added jobs or, those jobs that fall under the more mysterious nomenclature of, “saved jobs.” I can’t help but wonder if these “economists” actually believed that the “stimulus” would perform as advertised. If so, they were either very naïve, lousy economists, or they were simply willing participants in what was has to be one of the most blatant frauds ever perpetrated against the American people and right from the very beginning. Anyway, the reports put out by this supposed brain trust of economists states that, using “mainstream estimates of economic multipliers for the effects of fiscal stimulus” (which it describes as a “natural way to estimate the effects of” the legislation), the “stimulus” has added or "saved" just under 2.4 million jobs — whether private or public — at a cost (to date) of $666 billion. That’s a cost to taxpayers of $278,000 per job. In other words, if the government could have simply cut a $100,000 check to everyone whose employment was allegedly made possible by the “stimulus,” and taxpayers would have come out about $427 billion ahead.

Furthermore, this little cadre of economic geniuses reports that, as of two quarters ago, Barry's “stimulus” had added or “saved” just under 2.7 million jobs, or 288,000 more than it has now. In other words, over the past six months, the economy would have added or “saved” more jobs without the “stimulus” than it has with it. In comparison to how things would otherwise have been, the “stimulus” has been working in reverse over the past six months, actually causing the economy to shed jobs. Again, this is the verdict of Barry’s own Council of Economic Advisors, which is about as much of a home-field ruling as anyone could ever ask for. In truth, it’s quite possible that by borrowing an amount greater than the regular defense budget or the annual cost of Medicare, and then spending it mostly on Democratic constituencies rather than in a manner genuinely designed to stimulate the economy, Barry’s “stimulus” has actually undermined the economy’s recovery, while leaving us, at least thus far, $666 billion deeper in debt. And this should come as a surprise to anyone, why exactly? It was painfully obvious back when this charade was first being talked about the there was nothing about the "stimulus" that was actually designed for the express purpose of creating private sector jobs. It was nothing more than a Democrat wish list containing all those things that they had been prevented from doing under the Bush administration. It was also the single most complicated example of money laundering ever witnessed anywhere on the planet. And government sponsored no less.

The actual employment numbers from the administration’s own Bureau of Labor Statistics show that the unemployment rate was 7.3 percent when the “stimulus” was being debated and when the promise was made, by Barry, that the “stimulus,” if enacted, would prevent unemployment from going over 8 percent. Well we now know how well that turned out having seen that that promise was pretty much worthless because unemployment now holding steady at 9.1 percent and that was after it peaked at over 10 percent, and that was again “after” the stimulus. Meanwhile, the national debt at the end of 2008, when Barry was poised to take office, was sitting at $9.986 trillion. Today, thanks to Barry and his dwarf of a sidekick, Timmy "The Tax Cheat," it sits at $14.467, and is rapidly rising. These days all sides tend to agree on these rather incriminating numbers, and strangely enough they also now appear to agree on another rather important point: The economy would now be generating job growth at a faster rate if the Democrats hadn’t passed the “stimulus.” Well duh! And as much as I hate to sound like a broken record, job growth was never the main objective to be accomplished by the creating and implementation of the so-called “stimulus.” That may have been the reason given and the basis for the propaganda spread via the state controlled media complex, but what it was, and what they will deny that it was, is a payoff to all of those who had assisted Barry in winning the election.

So now after having heard all of the evidence now available pointing to the obvious failure of what was Barry’s “stimulus,” even from members of his own team, is it really that far outside the realm of possibility, or reality, to come to the conclusion that the so-called “stimulus” accomplished nothing other than what it was that Barry, and the Democrats, intended for it to accomplish. And that would be, of course, they paying off of political allies while at the same time working to further undermine the ability of our economy to recover all with that one insidious goal in mind, the forcing of any many Americans as is possible into having to totally come to rely on the government for absolutely everything. It was a real political twofer for them. It's all about nothing more than them being able to create an environment that is conducive to they're being able to consolidate their political power that will in turn enable them of gain more control over the citizens of this country. With warning signs not becoming much more apparent, the brakes now need to be applied with the spending madness being brought under some semblance of control. Like it or not there are some pretty tough decisions that lie ahead and I hope that the American people will be up to the challenge. We can continue to think only of ourselves while we throw our kids and grand kids under the bus, or we can choose to bite the bullet now so that they will be able to enjoy future where they will not be required to cover the cost of our rather foolhardy delusions of grandeur. The first step in what is likely to be the painful process of getting our fiscal house back in order, will come in just 16 short months from now. Will we have the courage to do what is necessary?

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