

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Apparently there is some new art exhibit in some Michigan city “art” gallery which features a rather provocative piece that depicts four Republican governors beneath the, yup you guessed it, the Nazi party symbol. If anything, I would think it shows an rather obvious lack of imagination since conservatives have essentially been called Nazis for as long as I can remember. And apparently, despite numerous complaints, this piece of “art” work will stay right where it is and remain on display for as long as it deemed necessary. But, I can't help but wonder what might be the political persuasion of the owner of this particular “art” gallery. I mean it’s pretty obvious which end of the political spectrum the “artist” involved resides. Let’s face it, going to Michigan is like making a trip to some Third World socialist country. Liberal Democrats have gotten that state so screwed up it may never fully recover. Anyway, back to this piece of “artwork." You can see above that this "artwork" is entitled “The Faces of American Fascism,” and that the poster has pictures of Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Wis. Gov. Scott Walker, Mich. Gov. Rick Snyder and Fla. Gov. Rick Scott under the national insignia of Nazi Germany. The symbol of the Republican Party is encircled in the wreath under the eagle instead of a swastika. Somehow, I just don’t think that a poster which you could see hanging at the DNC or even in the office of "Dingy" Harry or Nancy "Botox" Pelosi, really qualifies as "artwork" worthy of hanging in any "art" gallery. But nevertheless, it is.

"The Faces of American Fascism" was created by some moron who, I can only surmise, fancies himself as being some sort of deep-thinking “artist,” some kook by the name of Sean Michael Stimac. And it is his masterpiece that is currently on display at some place that calls to itself the Marquette Arts and “Cultural” Center. A "cultural" center, can you believe it? As you can see, written in the middle of this grand piece of "artwork," which is actually nothing more than a Democrat campaign poster, are the words, “Anti union,” “anti worker,” “anti woman,” “anti elderly” and “anti poor.” At the bottom, it charges those who view this masterpiece, to “Rise up! Demand a recall” next to an image of a closed fist. The piece of "art" is part of the City of Marquette and Cultural Center's, “What’s in a Name?” July exhibit. Housed in the lower level, which somewhat appropriate I guess, of the city public library, the exhibition is slated to run through July 29. The center provides gallery space for six to 12 exhibits per year, with "artists" sometimes waiting more than a year to show their work. I guess this little tidbit is supposed to make us think that this supposed "cultural" center is somewhat prestigious and ahead of the curve, so to speak. Nikke Nason, the arts administration director, said the center is financed through the city’s general fund. Ah, more if your tax dollars at work. The funding of this type of crap, this political propaganda, should not have as its source any public money. I can't help but wonder how much of Barry's "stimulus" money might have gone toward this little exhibit.

According to the center’s website, “Exhibitions are curated with consideration for quality of the exhibit, what will be of interest to the community locally, regionally or nationally and suitability of subject matter…. All displays that the art gallery exhibits are suitable for all ages and will not promote discrimination against any person or group.” So, which part of the afore mentioned criteria is it that this masterful work of art might have met? Because from where I'm sitting it has no social redeeming qualities what-so-freakin-ever. Ms. Nason said the exhibit’s two artists, Joe Sobel and the esteemed Mr. Sean Michael Stimac, are both local "artists" and have shown their work in the area before. According to a city press release, Stimac, the creator of this lovely little poster, “visually communicates his message, which is often political in nature.” What a bunch of gibberish. This doofus is no more of an "artist" than I am, and trust me, I ain't no artist. And it is about as far removed from being "art" as you can possibly get. This is nothing more than some left wing loon being permitted to make some sort of statement and this "cultural" center being only too happy to provide him a platform from which he can, essentially, make an attempt to vilify those men displayed on his work of "art." All this has served to do is to diminish the credibility that this "cultural" center may have and only succeeds in keeping away people who might normally visit it. I wouldn't go to this place.

Marquette Assistant City Manager Karl Zueger, who claims to oversee this outstanding "cultural" center, acknowledged the piece was “questionable” but said it did not violate the city’s standards for being obscene, sexually explicit, having elements of racism or inciting violence. “We didn’t see that it met any one of those tenets,” Zueger said in an interview with The Blaze. Zueger said he consulted the chair of the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, dedicated liberals no doubt, and sought a legal opinion before making the final call on whether to display it. “This is a First Amendment right, freedom of expression. From those we’ve consulted from an artistic standpoint they deem it an artistic expression,” he said. You know, I always find it strange how it is that the only time Liberals ever tout the First Amendment is when it involves an incident such as this. I am curious about something though, I wonder if this clown would have been as accepting of this piece of "artwork" if the images in it were of Barry "Almighty", "Dingy" Harry, Ms. "Botox" Pelosi, Bawney Fwank, James "The Tea Party is Racist" Clyburn, Chuckie Schumer, "BJ" Clinton and "Little Dick" Durbin. Somehow, I think not. That would, I'm quite sure, most likely have been judged as being obscene and completely unworthy of being displayed.

The exhibit does contain a generic disclaimer, of sorts, claiming that the art does not represent the beliefs of the city of Marquette and is solely the expression of the artist, Mr. Zueger said. Ok, and somehow I'm supposed to believe that this "cultural" center didn't play a very active roll and was fully behind the showing of this piece of "art." “Art’s not without controversy,” he added. These days it seems that "art" is judged much less on the artist's skill at presenting his or her unique perspective of something that we're all familiar with in a different way and more on the level of controversy or even disgust that it may create in those viewing the so-called "art." Zueger said he did receive “a few” complaints from the Marquette County Republican Party. “It’s their belief that it is offensive, they’ve requested we take the piece down,” Zueger said. “Everyone’s entitled to their opinion. When you have an art gallery there are times that the artist may illustrate a perspective, whether it be political or social and there’s always that possibility of it being offensive,” Zueger said. “We intend to keep it up until the exhibit closes.” Spoken like a true believer. What this whole episode shows, is just how far liberals have been able to progress in this country in their attempt to gain complete control of our culture. Because when something that can in no way be referred to, or defined as, actually being "art" is touted as such, it diminishes all of those who do produce those truly wondrous works of art.

But Marquette County Republican Party Chair Dan Adamini said his organization is not calling for the piece’s removal, but instead wants to ensure a “mistake like this could never happen again.” “I’m calling into question the judgment of the people [who approved the work],” Adamini said. “This is clearly not art, this is hate speech and a call to political action.” Adamini said he’s not doing this as a Republican, and that any such work would offend “any clear-thinking person.” “Freedom of speech says the government won’t punish you for anything you say,” he said. “It doesn’t guarantee a government-sponsored audience.” I'm sure if Mr. Adamini were to look, it wouldn't be all that difficult to ascertain that those responsible were card carrying, flaming liberal Democrats. Ms. Nason estimated she too has received “six or seven” complaints from patrons who were offended by the work. She said they did not tie themselves to the Republican Party. This is something that should not only offend those who identify themselves as Republicans, but anyone who appreciates real art. This guy, Stimac, he's not an artist, no matter how much he may wish that that were so. And his pathetic attempt at "art" is nothing more than attention seeking behavior in its purest form. He created this thing to get just the reaction that he's gotten, and, of course, to slam those whom he sees as being Nazis. So his little endeavor to gain some notoriety for himself has worked very well.

The bottom line here is that if incidents such as this show us anything it's to glaringly reveal the very sad state of our culture in general. So many of today's "artists" be they actors, writers, singers or in the case an artist like this guy Stimac, reside well down there in the gutter and seem perfectly content, and feel quite at home in their surroundings in amongst all of the other slime. And if that's what makes them happy so be it, but when they crawl out that slime and attempt to spread their filth among the rest of us who prefer to avoid the slime, then I take offense. Maybe I'm not as sophisticated and "European" as they profess to be, but frankly, that's my preference. I'm tired of gratuitous sex scenes in motives, songs laced with every level of profanity imaginable and these so-called works of art that do nothing but work to instill hate. And the sad fact of the matter is that perverse individuals such this pathetic jerk, Stimac, seem to outnumber those who are just the opposite.

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