

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


When speaking to the nation in a primetime television address on Monday night to deliver what many have said was nothing more than a campaign speech, completely devoid of specifics, Barry "Almighty" said that because less money was “coming in” during the recession, the federal government had to “spend even more.” Excuse me? Yup that's right, folks. “The deficit was on track to top $1 trillion the year I took office,” said our "Dear Beloved Leader." And, “To make matters worse, the recession meant that there was less money coming in, and it required us to spend even more -- on tax cuts for middle-class families to spur the economy; on unemployment insurance; on aid to states so we could prevent more teachers and firefighters and police officers from being laid off. These emergency steps also added to the deficit.” Look, the mind numbing rate of spending that has occurred under this president simply is not sustainable. And to even remotely consider that fact that it is, is nothing short of pure insanity.

Besides his once again blaming all of this on Bush, beginning with practically the first sentence of the speech, Barry then went on to make his argument for what he refers to as being a “balanced approach,” once which has tax increases as being part of any deal to increase to debt limit. Now just to refresh everyone's memory here, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), known as the economic stimulus/Democrat slush fund, which was passed by the Democrat-led Congress in February 2009, has already cost the taxpayers, those 50 percent of households who still pay income tax, $821 Billion. The CBO projects that the federal budget deficit will reach $1.5 Trillion by the end of the fiscal year 2011. The current national debt limit is $14.29 Trillion. Official debt figures from the U.S. Treasury show that the 111th Democrat-led Congress added $3.22 Trillion to the national debt. So why should we, the taxpayers, be asked to fork over even more to cover Democrat largesse.

Following the president’s remarks, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) called for a reduction in federal spending and no tax increases as part any deal going forward that would increase the debt limit. “The solution to this crisis is not complicated: if you’re spending more money than you’re taking in, you need to spend less of it,” said Boehner. “There is no symptom of big government more menacing than our debt,” he said. “Break its grip, and we begin to liberate our economy and our future.” Boehner also mocked the economic "stimulus" package signed by Barry. “Here’s what we got for that spending binge,” said Boehner, “a 'stimulus' bill that was more effective in producing material for late-night comedians than it was in producing jobs and a national debt that has gotten so out of hand it has sparked a crisis without precedent in my lifetime or yours.” The bottom line here is that since Barry took office 2.4 million jobs have been lost! The unemployment rate, which he practically guaranteed us would not go above 8 percent if we signed on to his stimulus, shortly thereafter went to 10.1 and is now resting quite comfortably at 9.2.

Barry has proven the case better than anyone else ever could have that this approach to solving economic and financial problems such as the one that we are currently experiencing cannot be solved by huge amounts of government spending. It's simply impossible. But don't count on him reversing course anytime soon. The only hope we have of getting things turned around is the 2012 election and the sending of Barack Hussein Obama back to Chicagoland. The amount of damage he will have been able to accomplish by then will still take decades to repair. But should we fail in our endeavor to defeat him, America, or at least the America in which many of us grew up, will most certainly be dead.

1 comment:

  1. To fix this nation will require conservative Presidents, conservative majorities in the House, and filibuster proof majorities in the Senate for at least 40 years. I say that long because by then 95% of the liberal federal judges will have also died off.
